XDuoo TA-30 tube dac/amp headphone from Apos

yea tube rolling gets nuts fast. But if you want the most of tube audio it’s part of it. but for it’s part of the fun.
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I decided to postpone tube rolling for the moment
I just am completely satisfied with the sound at the moment. I will just wait to get an urge to scratch that itch.
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Dh Labs Power plus power cord. I ownd this before. Circa $270 depending on length.
So this might be a good time to reconsider tube rolling. I suspect a defective tube on the left channel. It still sounds great.
So this might be a good time to reconsider tube rolling. I suspect a defective tube on the left channel. It still sounds great.

@Gregadd I might be able to give you some pointers on tube rolling :) While 12AU7/ECC82 is basically self-explanatory, there is more than meets the eye about the rectifier tube. Stock, it's a 5Z3P. Not a popular tube, isn't it? Well, you can use any 5U4G and there is plenty of them on the market. Enjoy!
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Very astute. They are new. At some point I may get nos and compare them.
Definitely nos from Tube Depot.
Very astute. They are new. At some point I may get nos and compare them.
View attachment 92279
Definitely nos from Tube Depot.
Thanks :) RCA made one of the top tubes back in the day, congratulations on your purchase! Have you tried it yet? How do you rate this upgrade?
One of the best NOS tubes to start with are Phillips SQ. They sound great and are still available at reasonable prices.
Ok so the RCA was doa. The dealer will replace free of charge.
The Mullard is breaking in. I definitely have midrange magic.
Ok so the RCA was doa. The dealer will replace free of charge.
The Mullard is breaking in. I definitely have midrange magic.
Glad to hear that they did that. Mullard is well known for warm, analogue sound, I see that the new production retained that signature. Is that what you were looking for?
Teplacement tube arrived yesterday.
Saw a video that says tubes are back lighted. It is not the tube that has gone bad. It is the back lighting
As of this moment I am loving the Mullard.
I don't use warmth as a tube describer. I think it oversimplifies what tubes have to offer. Overall, it has a musicality to it that you just don't get from the stock tubes. Better is the enemy of good.
I just realized the unit has a USB port. I am going to give it a try. Who knows, maybe I will get a premium USB cord. Are there any reasonably suggestions?
I don't use warmth as a tube describer. I think it oversimplifies what tubes have to offer. Overall, it has a musicality to it that you just don't get from the stock tubes. Better is the enemy of good.
I just realized the unit has a USB port. I am going to give it a try. Who knows, maybe I will get a premium USB cord. Are there any reasonably suggestions?
I meant the warmth of the Mullard tubes, not tubes overall. Mullards are known for being warmer, and more musical, than other brands.
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