System for 10K that will shame $30K systems all day long!

Well a recent demo was the Focal Scala V2 Utopia/Devialet 400 setup. It was up around that price with cables. Both my friends at I were much more satisfied with the sound upon arriving back to my place after the event. Actually nothing at that event sounded as good.

thank you.

I will investigate that gear to get an idea of your reference for a $60k system.
thank you.

I will investigate that gear to get an idea of your reference for a $60k system.

I'm sure you can do better for $60K. But that's a pretty popular combo. Both products demoed together as they are both sold by the same distributor. According to the Focal/Devialet rep that was at the event, there's no better match in existence for those speakers.
Mike what other DACs are you using? Will the new DAC/PRE be using the ESS9038PRO chip?

If I didn't have piles's of DAC's already I would. I'm also the new North American distributor for a DAC/Pre combo that would be right at home in the $25000 system that will shame $100000 system thread :) First one is already sold, we will see what his impressions will be. He will take delivery is a week and a half or so.
Mike what other DACs are you using? Will the new DAC/PRE be using the ESS9038PRO chip?

No too early for the ESS 9038pro. But the Sabre chips don't have a DSD direct bypass mode so not suitable for a DAC at this level. It's a hybrid Chip/chipless setup using an AKM chip for PCM and discrete filters for DSD. And it has a true reference level preamp built in. Even optional RIAA phono stage. Modular on a level never seen before. Even the discrete class A gain stages are on modular boards. It's designed to never go obsolete. Every component upgradable.

First one sold to a guy in Seattle. #1 in the world :)
I just tried the Teac UD-503 with the AKM4490 chip.and it was pretty bad on PCM and DSD. YMMV
No too early for the ESS 9038pro. But the Sabre chips don't have a DSD direct bypass mode so not suitable for a DAC at this level. It's a hybrid Chip/chipless setup using an AKM chip for PCM and discrete filters for DSD. And it has a true reference level preamp built in. Even optional RIAA phono stage. Modular on a level never seen before. Even the discrete class A gain stages are on modular boards. It's designed to never go obsolete. Every component upgradable.

First one sold to a guy in Seattle. #1 in the world :)
I just tried the Teac UD-503 with the AKM4490 chip.and it was pretty bad on PCM and DSD. YMMV

Well you can't judge the DAC on the chip. This unit uses the AKM for PCM only. And it sounds fantastic with straight PCM sent to it. However the recommended setup is Roon/HQplayer resampling all PCM to quad DSD. This way the AKM chip is bypassed, and the SOTA discrete DSD filter is used.
I thought the ESS9038PRO was the DAC to beat all DACs? I am confused.

If you read my thread closely what I say is it will allow superior DAC's to be built at much lower cost that will be able to destroy previous DAC's at much higher cost. But this is assuming it's not being used in conjunction with an external SDM/SRC engine. Just straight native formats going into the unit.
Wow when I listened to PCM on the UD-503 I it sounded shouty, 2 dimensional and just bad.
Well you can't judge the DAC on the chip. This unit uses the AKM for PCM only. And it sounds fantastic with straight PCM sent to it. However the recommended setup is Roon/HQplayer resampling all PCM to quad DSD. This way the AKM chip is bypassed, and the SOTA discrete DSD filter is used.
Wow when I listened to PCM on the UD-503 I it sounded shouty, 2 dimensional and just bad.

You know you can put a DAC chip in a $50 DAC, and you can put it in a $50000 DAC, and they won't sound the same. There's much more to a DAC than just the chip. There's loads of crap DAC's using the same Sabre chip as your DAC as well. What do you expect from a DAC that sells for that price that goes through all of the markup of a distributor/dealer network?
So what other DACs are you using in your system now. I also have "piles" of DACs too.

They are all custom prototypes. Nothing commercial left in my system anymore. Although I have an Eastern Electric Minimax plus sitting in my closet I should probably sell.
This guy who bought the first system is a previous Lampizator GG owner. So we will see what he thinks.
This DAC is the finest work yet from the man who designed the DAC section in the $36000 AAVIK C-300, which was in Absolute sound's top 5 systems at CES:

I can assure you it's a bit better than the Teac.

Is this DAC you are talking about an AAVIK new product?
You also mention quad DSD, so is this an upgrade from the DAC module inside AAVIK C-300?
Will it have Ravenna in the future?
Sixth order discrete passive filter is not bad... :D
Is this DAC you are talking about an AAVIK new product?
You also mention quad DSD, so is this an upgrade from the DAC module inside AAVIK C-300?
Will it have Ravenna in the future?
Sixth order discrete passive filter is not bad... :D

The AAVIK C-300 is a new product unveiled at CES, and this isn't the product I'll be distributing. The DAC section was just designed by the same guy. It's not the same product. He designed the DAC/pre boards in the AAVIK U-300 as well. Whether or not it's an upgrade from the C-300 can be determined by the end listeners. Maxing out at DSD 128 would be unacceptable for me :)

I will share details about it when I'm ready. I'm just working on my website. There's nothing this unit can't have as it's modular and upgradable in every section. As technology advances, each component can be individually upgraded. Even more modular than the MSB select DAC 2, but similar concept. It's designed so the chassis will never have to be changed out.
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