It is a guaranteed outcome. As I explained at the outset, when you change things, you listen far more tentative and now hear things you did not before. Ergo, the change made a difference whether it did or not. And surprisingly, whether you expected it or not. You can even be dead set against the change making an improvement but the outcome will be exactly that.
There is a reason every tweak out there, no matter how implausible, how impossible, how unlikely, has advocates that swear by them. And go as far as killing their fellow audiophile if they don't believe.
The problem is that when we take the knowledge of whether a change is or is not made away, those improvements disappear like a "fart in the wind."These massive differences that even one's wife can hear while walking the dog outside
, now become impossible to hear even in one's own system, and one's own music.
As you, I would be rich if I could get a dollar for every time I heard an improvement yet discovered I had not yet made the change I was investigating! And happen the same as testing others.
It is a side of science we are not familiar with but it is so responsible for our improper evaluation. When the science says something is impossible, and you can't hear the change reliably when you only use your ears, the only logical conclusion is that the device is not effective. Searching for other rules of universe yet to be discovered as the explanation that it actually did, is so illogical. But expected given lack of knowledge of our our perception works.
Nah, my testing doesn't work that way, sorry.
And there's the fact my customers describe my cables in the same way, pretty sure they don't consult with one another.
It is true that ignorance is the hallmark of the human experience, but realizing that is half the battle.