The Colibri “Master Signature”

cuz.....we are old.:rolleyes:

Dear David,

whatever Tang intended to call us, I took it in the most positive sense, and must give a sincere thanks for his thoughtful mention.

best regards,


Dear Mike,

No disrespect sir. In fact I do respect you both even more and more as time goes on. I was just amaze how sense of "live" refreshing sound can put us all on equal ground regardsless of age, appearances, race, social status, etc. And it just popped in my head that if I have met you in person you could surprise me in so many ways just like David.

Kind regards,
Dear Mike,

No disrespect sir. In fact I do respect you both even more and more as time goes on. I was just amaze how sense of "live" refreshing sound can put us all on equal ground regardsless of age, appearances, race, social status, etc. And it just popped in my head that if I have met you in person you could surprise me in so many ways just like David.

Kind regards,

No one’s offended Tang, just kidding around.
Dear Tang,
With the concave shape the record couples tightly with the turntable losing the slightest resonance that normally exists in a typical coupling with a flat platter plus the added benefit of a denser steel formulation you now have an extremely quiet background so the one card will make a bigger difference with your other carts too. There is a slight difference between the height of the new platter and the original one so you should reset them all with one or two cards either higher or lower.


I will do just that Khun David. Thank you very much sir.

Tang :D
Added: The Master Signature is more sensitive to vta adjustment than other carts I have. I am now deciding on one card to final my vta. Other carts dont make as noticable a sound difference in one card than this vdh.

I need to correct the above statement. Ddk told me to readjust vta of all my carts since I have the new concave platter. I just did so and I found all carts are equally sensitive even to one card difference in height, not just the Master Signature. He whatapped me that the new platter gives that "eerie quiet thing." I cant confirm that because my system is pretty darn quiet already. But I get even more nuances and tail-end reverb now.

Well resistance proved futile so I pulled the trigger on a Calibri "Master Sig" .6mV option. Thanks David !!!

Congrats! Did you resist the Opus1 successfully?
Does anyone have any insights into whether the Calibri "Master Sig" would work well in a Kuzma 4 Point 14inch tonearm? Thanks

The Kuzma 4 point 14' has an effective mass of 19, which is far too much for the standard vdh master Signature.
You can make a special order to vdh, they can customize the cart to your needs.
Well resistance proved futile so I pulled the trigger on a Calibri "Master Sig" .6mV option. Thanks David !!!

Play it with your new concave top platter and do your card trick well, you will find a new home land.

Tang :D
Added: The Master Signature is more sensitive to vta adjustment than other carts I have. I am now deciding on one card to final my vta. Other carts dont make as noticable a sound difference in one card than this vdh.

Tang, how many different LPs do you use when listening and fine tuning for your preferred VTA? In other words, do you adjust to one LP or to an average setting for a handful of LPs?

Do you think the variance between the records in your collection is greater or less than the thickness of one card?
Tang, how many different LPs do you use when listening and fine tuning for your preferred VTA? In other words, do you adjust to one LP or to an average setting for a handful of LPs?

Do you think the variance between the records in your collection is greater or less than the thickness of one card?

1) I mainly use records that David gave me and cross check with three of mine.
2) Greater than 1.

dear Tang
And what about MSL sig Platinum?
Seems you forget this cart
Have you listen again?
Do you consider at same level like others cart you have?
Dear Gian,

The MSL I mostly played on my Techdas and EMT usinf SAT and Axiom. I found it sounded resemblance to Opus but didnt have the last bit of Opus strengths, ie, resolution, dimensionality, vocal that really reaches you.

Now that you reminded me I will have to revisit the MSL again before it goes to second tier.

My best tt is AS2000. It can play four carts. I have five carts in contention to be on it. The Opus, AslasSL, VdhMaster Sig, GFS and Zyx UniPre. One of them will fall of the wagon. I wont tell which. Kedar is visiting me next Monday. I want to see how he hear them and rank them without my inputs. Want to see if his taste is crap :p.

Kindest regards,
Wow, Kedar is going to Thailand, nice!

Tang, from your most recent videos I am off the impression that the Colibri falls between the Atlas and Opus from a tonal perspective. Would you agree?
Wow, Kedar is going to Thailand, nice!

Tang, from your most recent videos I am off the impression that the Colibri falls between the Atlas and Opus from a tonal perspective. Would you agree?

I would not say it falls in between Ian. I think it is more of a combine. It has a least if not more body of the AtlasSL with even better bass than the AtlasSL and the vividness of Opus with also a beautiful high end extension, fast transient like Opus. Just complete spectrum imo. But interesting enough it totally has its own presentation with extremely engaging character. The sound is a little bigger than I am familiar though. For this I can get used to.

Btw, I saw you pic of Ron's visit. You have the most kind face I have seen. Thai women would adore you here. And if my boy saw you in red he would probably say "Santa".

Tang ;)
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