Even if true, at least it isn't shitty fiat. Bank savings account anyone? HAHAHA
Going back to this...
"shitty"fiat".... Fiat currency is what we all agree it is! Your attitude towards fiat currency is betting against yourself, betting against your own family, and betting against your own country. The USA isn't perfect, the banking system isn't perfect and the Fed certainly isn't a perfect institution. But it's what we have and IMO we should try to make it better rather than tear it down. It is surely NOT in your best interest for the US dollar to become weaker!
It's these "shitty fiat" kind of beliefs that drive a lot of the crypto market. I think it's worth really investigating these beliefs because I think they will not lead to pleasant outcomes when acted upon. I believe a lot of resentment is misdirected to the system when the real issue is simply corruption. Any system can work, but any system can also be brought down by corruption. I think it's difficult to argue that btc and crypto isn't an asset to corruption of many forms. If BTC is to become adopted as a store of value like gold it has some issues that need to be addressed which will make it less of an asset for corruption, but this will also cause it to lose value.
Also, while simultaneously betting against yourself, and taking money that could be invested in companies that provide value, or in US bonds that benefits the USA, the folks getting the most benefit out of the increasing value of btc is the CCP. This is undeniable, and I have heard arguments that it's fine. Ok, lets not get into that! But let's see this with open eyes too. It's a fact. Of course anyone who holds btc benefits as well, sure, but the fact is that most btc mining is in China, so if a majority of btc is held by one person that is an issue. Also, Satoshi, the founder of btc, has enough it would disrupt the market if he dumped them. This NOT decentralized in a good way!
I don't need to write a book and repeat other issues I've mentioned recently, but I think your post is really a perfect example of the attitude that fuels crypto, and I think it needs to be fully examined. I think this kind of distrust, the conspiracy theories we've seen recently, etc. are poison. This thinking is also encouraged by Russia, CCP, North Korea, etc. via social media, this is pretty much fact at this point. They encourage it to harm us.
Fiat currency is not good or bad, it is exactly what we agree it is. The same can be true with crypto, but right now I think it's showcasing the worst aspects of human nature. It's brand new though, and the underlying technology is novel, so it will take some time for it to mature.
Bank savings account is more secure than under the mattress, it has it's uses. Low interest rates are good, it makes borrowing money to invest in a business opportunity a lot easier. It makes owning a home a lot easier. My car payments are lower. I'm ok with it.