The topic of online YouTube audio reviewers is interesting, as are other significant changes occurring in our industry. Indeed formal education or time and experience in the industry are optional to starting a channel and considering oneself an expert. On the other hand, we all have our own opinions and experiences we bring to the table and present de facto reviews on WBF all the time. In the end, anyone's opinion be they a reviewer or simply an audiophile, should only be used as a guide. Ultimately, if we trust our ears to ensure anything we include to improve our system moves us, we are all winners.
Speaking to Elliot's efforts with Goebel. I had an interesting discussion with my colleague Fred Crane, US importer for Destination Audio about the future of our industry and how to level the playing field with the big brands. We concluded without a Forum like WBF to introduce our wares, that would prove dawnting and also unaffordable. Thanks, Steve, Ron, and Julian, for creating this forum and continuing to welcome newcomers like me to contribute to the discussion.
Happy New Year to All!
Speaking to Elliot's efforts with Goebel. I had an interesting discussion with my colleague Fred Crane, US importer for Destination Audio about the future of our industry and how to level the playing field with the big brands. We concluded without a Forum like WBF to introduce our wares, that would prove dawnting and also unaffordable. Thanks, Steve, Ron, and Julian, for creating this forum and continuing to welcome newcomers like me to contribute to the discussion.
Happy New Year to All!