Buying high end hifi in remote locations


Apr 21, 2022
6 years ago I moved from Berlin to Capetown, South Africa. Although there is a Hifi scene in South Africa, things are very different here.

Approximately 10 years ago while still living in Berlin I bought my current speakers. I went to a couple of dealers, looked at the speakers and listened to them at the dealer showroom. 3 speakers came onto my shortlist. I arranged for a demo of these candidates in my living room. Two of the speakers were so nice that they stayed for 2 weeks. I ended up buying one of them, the KEF Blades, which are wonderful speakers.

10 years forward, after I upgraded my electronics significantly and now have a bigger and different room, I am trying to find new speakers again. I looked up test reports, read what other forum members like or dislike. And then I tried to find a local dealer and a demo. And here it fails.

This is a list of currently recommended high end speakers that would be accepted (design) by my wife:

Magico M3, YG Acoustics, Gauder, Vivid Giya S1 Spirit, Sonus Faber

Magico, the local distributor has no stock and stops representing them
YG Acoustics - no local dealer
Gauder - no local dealer
Sonus Faber - no demo speaker at the dealer, I have to pay 80% down, then they would order the speaker for me. I would not be able to return the speaker if I don't like it.

Only the Giya S1 Spirit was available for a demo. I talked to the dealer, send him images of my current setup. We arranged for a listing session in his shop after hours. When me and my wife arrived, we were lead into an upper floor room with the Giya G1 Spirit. It was driven by a bathroom scale - an integrated amplifier, streamer, DAC, scale and laser printer all in one shiny silver flat box - really looking like a bathroom scale. It sounded worse than my car stereo. We were very disappointed. The dealer told us this was what people bought with the speaker.

A few days later I got a call from the dealer. He offered to put the speaker into my house but I would need to pay him 50% of the international retail price. I would get my money back when I return the speaker. So my list is a bit shorter now. Vivid seems to focus on lifestyle dealers who sell the speaker with bathroom scale looking electronics. Definitely not my cup of tea.

When I ask the forum for tips, the answer is "go to dealers and listen and get test installations in your house". I fully understand this approach. But for people who live in remote locations this is often not practical.

I am sure I am not the only member with this problem.
That is surely not the profile of international Vivid dealers. Your local dealer, I'm assuming Fundipoint, doesn't just carry the bathroom scales ;) they carry brands like Aesthetix and Ayre too. Were they out of stock?
There was only the bathroom scale. There was no other Hi-Fi equipment whatsoever. I think they were proud of this ultra-small package with all its functionality. All you need is an iPad, Qobuz or Tidal, the bathroom scale and the Giya speaker.

This is the bathroom scale they were using:
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Oh ok. Have you tried Vivid directly just for an audition? They are local to you. I like that brand.

They are represented here by a very good group.
I will call Vivid directly. But this does not give me much of a choice.

This thread was not meant to bitch about the local South African market but to find out, how are other members in locations without a diverse high end dealer network buying equipment?

Giving the hobby a break is no option for me.
I live in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. It is way more remote than Cape Town.

My approach has been to go to my local dealers to learn to listen to gear fairly proficiently. And then whenever I travel, try to hear products that I will probably like at stereo stores that I can find. This can be within Canada or all around the world. I have encountered great friendly dealers at Portland, Oregon, USA, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, Singapore, Taipei, Taiwan, Bangkok, Thailand where I had the opportunity to listen to gear that I otherwise wouldn't be able to. I have also gone to a few audio shows in Canada. And when I'm ready to make a purchase, I would either see if a local dealer can bring in the product (and yes, sometimes I have to pay upfront), or I would contact a dealer within Canada to order the product to be shipped to me (and yes, almost always I have to pay upfront because I have no prior commercial relationships with them).

Is this ideal or optimal? No. But I live where I live so I'm trying to adapt to make the best of the situation. Just like adapting to many more things in life than we realized.

To me, I don't think Devialet is that inferior to Gryphon products but obvious Gryphon is better (and warmer sounding). I personally don't like Vivid speakers and would prefer the KEF Blade. I can see how the Devialet + Vivid pairing would be very disappointing to some. So based on what you've said, I suspect the problem is that you don't like Vivid speaker sound. In fact, I doubt you'll like the YG sound either. My guess is that you'll like Magico M3 although I found it's very hard to find a pair to audition and I'm still not 100% certain. You might like Sonus Farber (or you may hate it because of its warmer sound). Of course, the safest bet for an upgrade for you is to just get the newest Blade Meta One. There has been enough improvements and refinements that I think you'll enjoy the sonic upgrade and save you lots of money.

My take is that if you can afford Vivid Giya G1 or Magico M3, you can afford to travel. So might as well enjoy life a little bit, travel a bit and enjoy music a bit.
There was only the bathroom scale. There was no other Hi-Fi equipment whatsoever. I think they were proud of this ultra-small package with all its functionality. All you need is an iPad, Qobuz or Tidal, the bathroom scale and the Giya speaker.

This is the bathroom scale they were using:
Could you not take your own electronics to the dealer and listen to the combo you may end up with?
... @Solartiger one thing that comes to mind, is to ask Vivid and the dealer if they have any customers near you that would be willing to have you over.

I actually had a guy in Chicago connect me with a guy in my hometown who had an Extreme I was considering...with no way to these odd-scenarios do happen.

You could provide your info and ask if they forward to the customer and let the customer control the contact.

I am in a small town and drive 100km to a shop. But at least there's a good shop in the region. I have stopped into shops around the world while traveling, which helps expand brand options, but it's not the same as a demo at home. I feel your pain.
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I will call Vivid directly. But this does not give me much of a choice.

This thread was not meant to bitch about the local South African market but to find out, how are other members in locations without a diverse high end dealer network buying equipment?

Giving the hobby a break is no option for me.
In the 80's pickings were really slim here. We had to go to Hong Kong to buy the good stuff. It took 40 years to have a wide range of representation. I too feel your pain.
I spend lots of time reading reviews, finding threads online, talking to others who've had experience with the items I'm interested in.
Shipping is expensive, so usually only purchase the smaller items (Dac and under) overseas, mostly from Europe and the UK.

My recent purchases, I had email discussions with the manufacturer. Good advice meant I've bought a Tubulus Argentus i2S cable.

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