Driver Repair in Portland OR


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2016
My only pr of speakers I have on hand have damaged drivers. I'm living in a rental house while our house is getting rebuilt from a fire. I only have an old pr. of Onyx monitors for the next yr or so and both drivers are damaged. Does anyone know of a business in Portland Or that can repair these?

Thanks for any help!
My only pr of speakers I have on hand have damaged drivers. I'm living in a rental house while our house is getting rebuilt from a fire. I only have an old pr. of Onyx monitors for the next yr or so and both drivers are damaged. Does anyone know of a business in Portland Or that can repair these?

Thanks for any help!
sorry about your fire damage. that's tough. the Portland area had some terrible fire issues a few summers ago.

maybe if you described in detail the model and particular driver that is damaged, some techie members might be able to give you some helpful advice. it could be an off-the-shelf driver reasonably sourced....much cheaper than new speakers or trying to get yours repaired. or you might find a used pair for your model with damage that you can just buy them for parts.

i've lived in the Northwest for many years and don't personally know of anyone who repairs or builds speaker drivers. OTOH we do have a number of speaker building companies that might be able to assist. my other suggestion is to inquire with a speaker parts supplier who might have a suitable driver to get you by. here are two to investigate.

Thank you Mike for replying and the kind thoughts! The driver is this: 5.25" Atohm LD130 CR04 mid/woofer

I wouldn't mind finding a replacement, so much easier.

Again, many Thanks for the help!
contact “inner sound” in clackamas.

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