Bruce B
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    • Bruce B
      Bruce B reacted to Dustin Symanski's post in the thread Clocks with Like Like.
      I think I naively omitted basic architecture details that I thought people would pick up on or already were already familiar with. In my...
    • Bruce B
      Bruce B reacted to sbo6's post in the thread Clocks with Like Like.
      And probably just as many who agree with him. :cool:
    • Bruce B
      Bruce B replied to the thread Clocks.
      Multiple items being used at the same time would benefit an external clock. Yes, if a source component does not have a great clock, then...
    • Bruce B
      Bruce B replied to the thread Clocks.
      Well the manufacturer had to cut cost somewhere. Or, the manufacturer really didn't know how to implement a clock correctly.... then I...
    • Bruce B
      Bruce B reacted to Kingrex's post in the thread Clocks with Like Like.
      I don't know how anyone would answer this. A Mutec clock and USB interface ve What do you mean a poorly done converter clock? I...
    • Bruce B
      Bruce B replied to the thread Clocks.
      Here's my 2cents and that is all I will say. I have NEVER inserted a Clock in a single converter system and made it sound "better"...
    • Bruce B
      Bruce B reacted to Macattack's post in the thread Clocks with Like Like.
      TEAC is the more consumer valued parent of Esoteric. I have little doubt the Esoteric Clocks (and transports) are a step up from the...
    • Bruce B
      Bruce B reacted to Lagonda's post in the thread JL Audio CR-1 Crossover with Like Like.
      If a crossover adds some noise or takes away some of the information i have fought so hard to obtain trough a all analog chain, it is...
    • Bruce B
      Bruce B replied to the thread JL Audio CR-1 Crossover.
      Awesome crossover but very limited on what you can do with it. I would use it with subs that had more functions than a passive sub.
    • Bruce B
      Bruce B replied to the thread JL Audio CR-1 Crossover.
      As have I... The only other hw x-overs I have used are the Wilson and Pass.... The CR-1 is perfect for my JL "system".
    • Bruce B
      Bruce B reacted to thansen's post in the thread JL Audio CR-1 Crossover with Like Like.
      Hi there, just wanted to clarify a few things on the CR-1. Disclaimer: I'm a JL Audio employee. ;) - While it doesn't have a...
    • Bruce B
      I was trained to S.O.A.P. everything....
    • Bruce B
      Bruce B reacted to ecwl's post in the thread To Sub Or Not To Sub, That Is The Question with Like Like.
      From my experience, whenever people talk about adding a crossover device causing a loss of transparency, they are almost never talking...
    • Bruce B
      Bruce B replied to the thread JL Audio CR-1 Crossover.
      It takes a while to dial in... especially using JL's own subs, but with persistence and trial/error and measurements, it can be done...
    • Bruce B
      Only good results here..... I've mastered a lot of albums with it.
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