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    • OGH
      OGH reacted to audioquest4life's post in the thread Aesthetix Io Users Group with Like Like.
      I don’t think there is a specific type or ideal cartridge that works better with the Io as it is adaptable to all types. I have used MI...
    • OGH
      OGH replied to the thread Aesthetix Io Users Group.
      Next subject, please? Is there an 'ideal' type of cartridge, for the Io? Or even, a best match?
    • OGH
      OGH replied to the thread Aesthetix Io Users Group.
      To me, 'she' is new every day. When we listen, there is the old familiar sound, but something new also happens. When the music shines...
    • OGH
      OGH reacted to Lagonda's post in the thread Aesthetix Io Users Group with Like Like.
      Wow ! I am in love again. It's like hooking up with an old girlfriend or ex wife, familiar but also new and exciting :) We have been at...
    • OGH
      OGH replied to the thread Aesthetix Io Users Group.
      Listening some more, to my DSD recordings, comparing to streaming (Qobuz), i dont doubt the superiority of my recordings - to my ears...
    • OGH
      OGH replied to the thread Aesthetix Io Users Group.
      I just checked with Mannfred Mann, Lone arranger, the first two tracks. Qobuz vs my recordings with the Io. In my office system. The Io...
    • OGH
      OGH replied to the thread Aesthetix Io Users Group.
      I play my recordings of LPs, made on the Tascam DSD recorder. These, also, play well on my small pinpoint type office system. The...
    • OGH
      OGH replied to the thread Aesthetix Io Users Group.
      Thats right--- but then there is "this and that" in my home office, including, I must admit, very good sound in my low cost office...
    • OGH
      OGH replied to the thread Aesthetix Io Users Group.
      I like tubes but I can get a bit of audio worry. Like, I put my system on, but it takes some hours before I actually listen. By that...
    • OGH
      OGH replied to the thread Aesthetix Io Users Group.
      Thanks a lot. I am actually going for a weekend in copenhagen next week...but so far, my Io is performing well.
    • OGH
      OGH replied to the thread Aesthetix Io Users Group.
      @Lagonda I am happy to hear that you have repaired the Io succesfully in Denmark. I hope I can get local help too, when I need it, in...
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  • What’s Best Forum is THE forum for high end audio, product reviews, advice and sharing experiences on the best of everything else. This is THE place where audiophiles and audio companies discuss vintage, contemporary and new audio products, music servers, music streamers, computer audio, digital-to-analog converters, turntables, phono stages, cartridges, reel-to-reel tape machines, speakers, headphones and tube and solid-state amplification. Founded in 2010 What’s Best Forum invites intelligent and courteous people of all interests and backgrounds to describe and discuss the best of everything. From beginners to life-long hobbyists to industry professionals, we enjoy learning about new things and meeting new people, and participating in spirited debates.

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