Is someone inferring that I
1. either used fuses and hear their differences on cheap or bad quality equipment or
2. I have inadequate hearing-I have recorded 150+ orchestral, chamber and choral performances, including major venues, tested up to 16kHz hearing, have audio recording and remastering engineer friends who indicate I have acutely fine hearing even if I am too easily satisfied by less than SOTA sound when the music captures my attention more, as well as 1000s of people who appreciate what I do and how it sounds (I am self deprecating and do not find my recordings are generally more than routine captures for historical documentation). So, I hear differences in sound using different fuses or that equipment that my friends and I hear don't exist either. Lastly, that I am too deaf to hear differences?
(P.S. my wife has Type 1 diabetes and cannot hear an alarm or phone while sleeping at night-sleeps like she is dead. I hear every subtle sound in our bedroom while sleeping. When an alarm goes off, I jump to see the dexcom reading and take the proper action for low blood sugar).