Well, this is a much nicer forum than some Audiogon and superior to ASR (where many posters and myself were definitely considered uneducated, deaf and had money to burn-we were all banned from the site). There are some older gentlemen who don't like to hear negativity but generally I enjoy hearing about great equipment. I also write on sites concerning great music and recordings. That's my forte.
SR HFTs mentioned. With my inferior Legacy Focus speakers, I installed 38 HFTs on speakers and all around the custom built listening room. When I switched out to my Signature IIIs, the rear wall and some of the front wall HFTs were removed (plenty of ambiance and open sound). The with my Von Schweikert VR9 SE Mk2, no need for them as the dispersion is fantastic. So, HFTs can improve a problematic system but not necessarily a properly designed system. I still have one acoustic tweak, Shakti Hallographs in the front wall corners and mid-room walls. This room also has OEM fuses in higher end equipment.
Yes, the moderators and users try to keep WBF threads headed in the right direction. Agon is much looser and so discussions there are more apt to go astray quickly. It’s too bad.
You might be interested in the Heartsound Holostages thread on WBF, if you haven’t seen it. I’m going to give them a try. As for HFT’s, I found they denigrated my system and sent them back.