I think size of room and and whether it is acoustically treated should be factored-in. Often flagship speakers are larger than mid-range - but in smaller rooms, the mid-range may sound better. I am guilty of buying too much speaker for the space on more than one occasion! (in fact, almost every occasion!). Definitely buy ex-demo or used.
If you have been wanting to hear Vivid Audio speakers at a trade show, we will be at the Capital Audiofest (Nov. 10-12) with a pair. In room 715 we will have the smallest model in Vivid Audio's flagship Giya line - the Giya G4s2. They will be driven by a Mola Mola Makua preamp w/built-in DAC (same circuit as the famous Tambaqui) and a pair of the new Mola Mola Perca stereo amplifiers. They will connected in a vertical bi-amp configuration. A Grimm MU1 Digital Audio Player/Streamer and DeJitter It Switch X and WiFi X will handling the digital signals with Kubala-Sosna cables connecting the system. Come check it out!
If you have been wanting to hear Vivid Audio speakers at a trade show, we will be at the Capital Audiofest (Nov. 10-12) with a pair. In room 715 we will have the smallest model in Vivid Audio's flagship Giya line - the Giya G4s2. They will be driven by a Mola Mola Makua preamp w/built-in DAC (same circuit as the famous Tambaqui) and a pair of the new Mola Mola Perca stereo amplifiers. They will connected in a vertical bi-amp configuration. A Grimm MU1 Digital Audio Player/Streamer and DeJitter It Switch X and WiFi X will handling the digital signals with Kubala-Sosna cables connecting the system. Come check it out!
We will be there in the two infigo audio rooms. I will stop my your room to listen.
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If you have been wanting to hear Vivid Audio speakers at a trade show, we will be at the Capital Audiofest (Nov. 10-12) with a pair. In room 715 we will have the smallest model in Vivid Audio's flagship Giya line - the Giya G4s2. They will be driven by a Mola Mola Makua preamp w/built-in DAC (same circuit as the famous Tambaqui) and a pair of the new Mola Mola Perca stereo amplifiers. They will connected in a vertical bi-amp configuration. A Grimm MU1 Digital Audio Player/Streamer and DeJitter It Switch X and WiFi X will handling the digital signals with Kubala-Sosna cables connecting the system. Come check it out!
The side firing woofers would seem to need considerable space between side wall and speaker as well as speaker and equipment if the rack is between the speakers. Is that true?
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Von Schweikert ESE, Marten Parker Trio

Am I biased? Of course!!! LOL

I am assuming that they are to be used in a normal sized room and that there is at least 50wpc into 8ohms/100wpc into 4ohms readily on tap.
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The side firing woofers would seem to need considerable space between side wall and speaker as well as speaker and equipment if the rack is between the speakers. Is that true?
In our experience the Vivid Audio speakers are quite easy to place. Whether close to the sidewalls or at a distance the bass performance remains quite consistent. The frequency at which the side-firing woofers crossover may be a factor.
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Von Schweikert ESE, Marten Parker Trio

Am I biased? Of course!!! LOL

I am assuming that they are to be used in a normal sized room and that there is at least 50wpc into 8ohms/100wpc into 4ohms readily on tap.
I recently bought a Aavik P-300 amp. Scott Walker Audio was kind enough to let me bring it in to one of their system. The speakers were a pair of Von Schweikert ESE. The sound blew me away. Amazing speakers for the price.
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I recently bought a Aavik P-300 amp. Scott Walker Audio was kind enough to let me bring it in to one of their system. The speakers were a pair of Von Schweikert ESE. The sound blew me away. Amazing speakers for the price.

Yes they are indeed. My partner is using a pair while his VR-55s are to be upgraded. Heck I'm happy with E3 Mk1s in my bedroom system.
In that price range I would likely buy either the VSA ESE or YGs (Summits, Carmel3 or best would be used Haileys). I have owned YGs for years. Damon Von Schweikert did a a nice presentation at a recent show of the VSA ESE and played a wide range of music.

Not a fan of the Jabba the Hutt look of the Vivids.
I have enjoyed my YG Acoustics Carmel (original version) for 11 years. They retailed at $18K. Have changed amps, DACs and digital front-end over that period, but not the speakers. The new Version 3 retail at $29K. In my smallish room (13 x 17 x 10) they mate very well with a pair of RELs. A lot depends on your choice of amp and room dynamics and personal taste. At AXPONA, I've always been intrigued by Joseph Audio's speakers.
In our experience the Vivid Audio speakers are quite easy to place. Whether close to the sidewalls or at a distance the bass performance remains quite consistent. The frequency at which the side-firing woofers crossover may be a factor.
That has been my experience as well. I chose Vivid (although the Kaya line, rather than the Giya) specifically for that reason because my room is quite cramped. Even now, the right-side speaker is as close as 4 inches from the nearest wall, whereas the left-side speaker has more space to play with, and still the sound to my ears doesn't seem unbalanced at all.
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My personal favorite would be a pair of Wilson X1/Grand SLAMM Mk3s. 6ohm, 95 db efficient and stunning capability in massive dynamic range, detail and nuance. Nowadays, definitely available inside the 15K-30K range and not infrequently at the 20K spot. We paid a lot less than that for our X1s which we had for 10 years.
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this could be the toughest price range in audio right now. everything has shifted higher to the 50k segment. The WVL Son is an interesting option here depending on room size with excellent amp flexibility. Dynaudio traditionally has some great speakers in this price range as well if you have the power.
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Mine are still my favotite ones under 30k.
Classic Audio Loudspeakers Field Coil Version, Massive Dynamics, Very open Sound, Smooth just pure magical for the asking price.
It's crazy how some speakers are hyper sensitive to placement and the components they're connected to, Some speakers need 500 watts to come to life, some need can't have any reflective surface within 5' of them. I resold a half a dozen speakers in the price range you're shopping because I wasn't willing to restart my component rebuild. I very nearly sold my Kef Blades because I was disappointed with their low volume dynamics. The Blades were good enough at everything else that I took a chance on upgrading the electronics around them and now I'm thrilled with the results, but also wondering if my new components would have raised the level of the previous half a dozen(or so)speakers I passed on?

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