TAD C600 Pre Amp thoughts....

Congrats @kimurastanley ! The C600 is absolutely an amazing preamp, really transparent and elegant (almost tube like) certainly one of the best match for the 700s. Besides all the positif upsides do you feel that you "lost" something in the sound compared to your previous VAC Preamplifier?

I dont feel lost much by changing. In fact, I feel the obvious improvement I got is more enveloping and enganging sound.
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TAD D700 is waiting ...
I dont feel lost much by changing. In fact, I feel the obvious improvement I got is more enveloping and enganging sound.
Congrats! This is a fantastic move and a natural pairing for you...
I'm also targeting to pair a M700s with my C600 but the size of this Power Amp is not easy to manage in a classical Parisian apartment
Congrats! This is a fantastic move and a natural pairing for you...
I'm also targeting to pair a M700s with my C600 but the size of this Power Amp is not easy to manage in a classical Parisian apartment
I’m still waiting for the C700. Right now using the C2000. I hope to see it in Munich 2024. My next thing will be to see if I keep my fantastic CE1TX. I have the full 700 series by than. M, D and C700. Only the speakers will be Evolution. So will be interesting if the CR1TX is that much better vs CE1 to spend the extra money.
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I’m still waiting for the C700. Right now using the C2000. I hope to see it in Munich 2024. My next thing will be to see if I keep my fantastic CE1TX. I have the full 700 series by than. M, D and C700. Only the speakers will be Evolution. So will be interesting if the CR1TX is that much better vs CE1 to spend the extra money.

what's your thoughts on c2000?
what's your thoughts on c2000?
The C2000 is a really good pre-amp but not a C600 (or C700 pretty soon). The C2000 has a great DAC build in but not as extraordinary as the one in the D700. The sound stage is very good but it is again not the C600.
How do I know.
My supplier/dealer uses the D1000 as SACD/DAC. It can be connected directly to the M700S with my CE1TX. Once warm, the D1000 sounds very good. Now I play the same SACD on my D700. This requires the pre-amp C2000 since it doesn’t have volume controls. But the D700 sounds better vs the D1000. Should be since it is way more expensive too. But is the improvement in the D700 or the use of a pre-amp? So we exchanged the D700 with the D1000 over de C2000. And now we hear the D1000 directly on the M700S is way better vs over the C2000. This likely will mean that once I will use the C700 (which should not sound less vs C600) there should be a very serious upgrade for my total picture. But we have to be fair too. The C2000 is over ten years old technology. And a different product category within the TAD family (Evolution vs Reference line). If you can get a used C2000 it is a hell of a machine. Maybe you can get one for around €10.000 - €15.000. A new C700 will be towards the €50.000.
There are several people here with D700/M700S and C600. Just guessing but I think they enjoy the harmony in between them since there is no “weakest link”. Within my system it “might be but not sure” the already fantastic CE1TX which is the only component from the Evolution series.
A few points IMHO

1. Coming from D1000TX, D700 is noticeably better in every aspects. lower noise, better micro details and resolution, perceivable better lower end extension

2. C600 is a better match to my TAD spk, power amp and sacdp compared to my previous VAC master preamp. Full TAD setup delivers a characteristic TAD house sound, which I labeled as resolving and yet non fatiguing, natural with mininal coloration.

3. I have heard TAD spks sound harsh and bright when paired with other brands electronics. I have also heard TAD spks sound polite and mellow, when paired with accuphase. So TAD spks portray the electronics characteristics in an honest way.

3. Evolution vs Reference: To me the main difference is the ‘authority’. When play loud, reference series still sound ‘organised’ and ‘stable’. Evolution can sounds a bit more ‘messy’ and thinner sounding.
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I have heard TAD spks sound harsh and bright when paired with other brands electronics. I have also heard TAD spks sound polite and mellow, when paired with accuphase. So TAD spks portray the electronics characteristics in a honest way.

Yes, TAD Speakers portray the electronics characteristics in a honest way.

TAD R1 is the most transparent loudspeaker I have ever heard.

Yes, TAD Speakers portray the electronics characteristics in a honest way.

TAD R1 is the most transparent loudspeaker I have ever heard.

View attachment 124013
Which electronics are you using now Amir in this setup?
CEC TL0 3.0 Transport
Weiss Medus Reference DAC

Top of the Line Vitus Masterpiece MP-M201 Power Amplifier (100w Class A for midrange/tweeter + 100w Class A for Bass)
Top of the Line Vitus MP-L201 Pre Amplifier

Skogrand Stravinsky Cables (Digital XLR, Interconnect, Speaker Cable, AC Cable)

three separate low resistance AC Cables come from Main AC Panel.

there is no AC Filter
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Those R1’s sound spectacular but a bit difficult to squeeze in a normal living room. So I guess the CR1TX is the closest move into that direction.
CEC TL0 3.0 Transport
Weiss Medus Reference DAC

Top of the Line Vitus Masterpiece MP-M201 Power Amplifier (100w Class A for midrange/tweeter + 100w Class A for Bass)
Top of the Line Vitus MP-L201 Pre Amplifier

Skogrand Stravinsky Cables (Digital XLR, Interconnect, Speaker Cable, AC Cable)

three separate low resistance AC Cables come from Main AC Panel.

there is no AC Filter
CEC TL0 3.0 Transport
Weiss Medus Reference DAC

Top of the Line Vitus Masterpiece MP-M201 Power Amplifier (100w Class A for midrange/tweeter + 100w Class A for Bass)
Top of the Line Vitus MP-L201 Pre Amplifier

Skogrand Stravinsky Cables (Digital XLR, Interconnect, Speaker Cable, AC Cable)

three separate low resistance AC Cables come from Main AC Panel.

there is no AC Filter
You used to have TAD amps in your former setup. Why did you choose to move to Vitus?
Ah, the TAD set is still in place. So what brings the best harmony? Obviously the Vitus set is extremely good as well.
The Vitus should cost much more than the TAD?
While Vitus is excellent / CEC Transport too, the sound should be much thicker than using the TAD gears
Ah, the TAD set is still in place. So what brings the best harmony? Obviously the Vitus set is extremely good as well.
I am distributor of both TAD Laboratories and Vitus Audio so I can have both of them for demonstration.
Break-in of Vitus MP-M201 takes over 300 hours, after break-in I can write a review here.

these are audio jewelry for me and I love all of them.
Hi, I pouls like to try the feet from Stack audio. Someone know the screw size for TCR1 TX STAND
FYI I quit the Pilium for KONDO G700i and MELIUS and it's a wonderfull combo with only 32W!!!!

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