FTA (Final Touch Audio) Sinope USB cable


Effective immediately, Destination Sound Group (a/k/a/ LampizatOr North America) will be taking over global sales and distribution for all Final Touch Audio Products.

Please feel free to reach out to us directly for all purchases and sales related questions, regardless of territory.

We look forward to continuing to provide these fabulous cables in our portfolio of products.


Fred A.

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Thanks for the report, did you ever get to compare the Sinope with the Sablon Evo?
HI guys; new to this forum and have interest in either the FTA Sinope or the Sabron EVO cable. Has anyone been able to make a comparison between the two cables? Thx!
HI guys; new to this forum and have interest in either the FTA Sinope or the Sabron EVO cable. Has anyone been able to make a comparison between the two cables? Thx!
I'll have the answer for you in about 2 weeks....
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Checking back in here. Mentioned previously the Sinope and Valhalla 2 sounded virtually identical. Which says alot about the Sinope at a ~third the price.

Re: the Sablon Evo, so it was a close call for me, in my system. If I didn’t already own the valhalla 2 usb 2 meter and having just heard the Sinope, I would have gladly gone w the Evo. After a few 2 hour sessions, I listened to a variety of guitar/violla/cello tracks. a/b/a. While the evo gave a bit of additional weight. It softened the leading edges. Everyone has their own preferences, for me I really like that initial attack and thrill of hand across the strings.

On the flip side, the Evo packed a bit more punch in the lower frequencies and maybe filled out vocals in a more natural way. But again, splitting hairs again my system, I lost some of the bass texture in a few songs that I love. I wish I could have spent another week to really understand the sonic characteristics across different times of the day, moods, etc. But it was a free demo cable that needed to move on.

So for me, especially perhaps as a counterfoil to the tube Pacific DAC at the time, I liked the Nordost leading edge better (similar to the Sinope).
Checking back in here. Mentioned previously the Sinope and Valhalla 2 sounded virtually identical. Which says alot about the Sinope at a ~third the price.

Re: the Sablon Evo, so it was a close call for me, in my system. If I didn’t already own the valhalla 2 usb 2 meter and having just heard the Sinope, I would have gladly gone w the Evo. After a few 2 hour sessions, I listened to a variety of guitar/violla/cello tracks. a/b/a. While the evo gave a bit of additional weight. It softened the leading edges. Everyone has their own preferences, for me I really like that initial attack and thrill of hand across the strings.

On the flip side, the Evo packed a bit more punch in the lower frequencies and maybe filled out vocals in a more natural way. But again, splitting hairs again my system, I lost some of the bass texture in a few songs that I love. I wish I could have spent another week to really understand the sonic characteristics across different times of the day, moods, etc. But it was a free demo cable that needed to move on.

So for me, especially perhaps as a counterfoil to the tube Pacific DAC at the time, I liked the Nordost leading edge better (similar to the Sinope).
Thanks for the update and much appreciated. I spoke with the importer for Sinope /Final Touch and they were unwilling to provide me a demo or trial period. In other words, it was a matter of “you buy it you own it.” Not even two weeks, so based on reviews, I opted to proceed with my purchase of the Sablon Evo. Mark was a pleasure to work with and was very responsive to the emails I sent. The cable took quite a while to break in as in between 150 and 200 hours. Having moved up from the Nordost Heimdall2 I can report that I am more than a little satisfied. It was a giant leap forward relative to my Nordost experience. Not as bright around the edges, but clearly a more natural and immersive sound stage that appeared to be a more realistic expression of the music. As you say, both very good, and at the end of the day, I think it comes down to a matter of one’s system and personal preference.
If anyone is interested:
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Thanks for the update and much appreciated. I spoke with the importer for Sinope /Final Touch and they were unwilling to provide me a demo or trial period. In other words, it was a matter of “you buy it you own it.” Not even two weeks, so based on reviews, I opted to proceed with my purchase of the Sablon Evo. Mark was a pleasure to work with and was very responsive to the emails I sent. The cable took quite a while to break in as in between 150 and 200 hours. Having moved up from the Nordost Heimdall2 I can report that I am more than a little satisfied. It was a giant leap forward relative to my Nordost experience. Not as bright around the edges, but clearly a more natural and immersive sound stage that appeared to be a more realistic expression of the music. As you say, both very good, and at the end of the day, I think it comes down to a matter of one’s system and personal preference.

Yeah I reached out to Lampi to see if I can get one to listen to before I commit..If they don't allow auditions I find something else. Ridiculous not to allow that for a cable at this price point. Most would demo it and not want to be without if it's as good as folks say it is.
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Yeah I reached out to Lampi to see if I can get one to listen to before I commit..If they don't allow auditions I find something else. Ridiculous not to allow that for a cable at this price point. Most would demo it and not want to be without if it's as good as folks say it is.
I agree completely but it’s his business and he’s free to manage it as he chooses. Business must be good I guess. I prefer to work with manufacturers and dealers who are more customer supportive. There are plenty of vendors out there with comparable product at similar price points who are easier to work with, like @Sablon Audio who makes a superb USB cable which I purchased for my Tambaqui DAC.
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Doesn't seem to be distributed in the USA.
He’s direct sales only. And he’s also super nice guy and pleasure to deal with. Or ping Mark from Sablon audio @Sablon Audio as he can accomodate demo cable I’m sure and pleasure to deal with as well. Both options are bingo…
He’s direct sales only. And he’s also super nice guy and pleasure to deal with. Or ping Mark from Sablon audio @Sablon Audio as he can accomodate demo cable I’m sure and pleasure to deal with as well. Both options are bingo…
which cable are you running? Im interested in the Edis or the Dave Labonga, heard that one is great...No idea where to get that one either
Yeah I reached out to Lampi to see if I can get one to listen to before I commit..If they don't allow auditions I find something else. Ridiculous not to allow that for a cable at this price point. Most would demo it and not want to be without if it's as good as folks say it is.
Hi Skids,

Did we already speak? I don't recognize your profile, but drop me a line and we'll see what we can arrange.

Also as a gentle FYI, Lampi is not affiliated with Final Touch Audio beyond the fact that I carry both lines in North America.


Fred A.

P.S. Perhaps the availability of other cables might be best discussed by PM or in its own thread.
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which cable are you running? Im interested in the Edis or the Dave Labonga, heard that one is great...No idea where to get that one either
USB Edis and as my sever also runs Spdif i use Marks Spdif cable so i can mix. Laboga i had in the rig their TOTL variant and to me was a bit darker sounding and a bit bass heavy so i did not use it.
@Golum - please stick to the topic at hand. Thank you sir.

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@Golum - please stick to the topic at hand. Thank you sir.

How is he not sticking to the topic? This isn't a site to promote brands bro, it's a site to learn more about audio gear (cables included). Gathering information about cables in the same category of the brand in the title matters to some of us. No need to over moderate...No one is being rude to anyone, so chill out.
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Hello and please allow me to introduce another aspect. You do not see what the moderation team sees and this is not up for debate.

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If anyone has a sinope they are looking to move on please send me a message, looking to step up from the callisto.

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