What are the best speakers you've ever heard ?

I have two most favorite speakers and both were at the 2018 CAF.

1. The first set was in the Deja Vu Audio room—-GIP 18” field coil (replica of the Jensen M18) in open baffle, WE 713B in a 32A horn, and GIP 597a field coil tweeter (replica of WE 597a).

2. The second was in Dave Slagle’s EMIA room. He had a pair of stacked Quad 57s on each channel biamped with his PP 300B amps.
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I have 5 sets of SCV's along with all the others except the VI's. Love them all inc the HRCC-1 centers
5 pairs!? I have 2 pairs of SC-V, a pair of SC-IV, a pair of SC-III and a SC-II.C.C. center. The only ones being used are 1 pair of SC-Vs.
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The Von Schweikert VR-111 XS

This is the one off commission mentioned by RH in TAS some years ago. The XS is a 4 tower system with outboard crossovers. This was the speaker that birthed the Ultra line. The main and sub towers are 8 feet tall and they are set up in a 100+ sqm room with 4m ceilings with silenced positive pressure HVAC and electricals used for industries such as Security Printing. They are driven by 4 VAC Statement Monoblocks so that is four more "little" towers. LOL Statement Pre, Statement Phono and EMT JP-66 phono. Sources are TechDAS AF1 and AF1P with arms from Durand, Da Vinci and many more on custom arm boards. Tape by Studer and ATR through Doshi and Stellavox tape pres accordingly. Digital by Lampi.

Closest to a live concert ever in my experience. Killer is, the LP and Tape collection are just as eye watering.
Not sure how to separate the speakers from the electronics but the Gryphon Trident II Loudspeakers + Commander Pre + Apex Stereo amp sounded effortlessly great at the 2023 PAF.
We'll I recently heard some speakers that are so realistic that everything else I have heard is now in trouble ;) the Contendo from Aries Cerat just blew everything out of the water at Munich 2024 and it wasn't close for me and also my friend who I traversed the halls with. The realism, nuance, massive dynamic capability whilst having the most natural tone ive ever heard. It reset the bar for us both. It was hard to listen to other rooms in comparison.
We'll I recently heard some speakers that are so realistic that everything else I have heard is now in trouble ;) the Contendo from Aries Cerat just blew everything out of the water at Munich 2024 and it wasn't close for me and also my friend who I traversed the halls with. The realism, nuance, massive dynamic capability whilst having the most natural tone ive ever heard. It reset the bar for us both. It was hard to listen to other rooms in comparison.

Can you fit them in your room?
Best system I listened in my life at home of my friend, system made by Yamamura
Is a 6 way with driver ALE Super,100 kg each and 180 kg the bass driver
A special edition Yamamura asked Mr Endo to do

Horn are Ale but modified by Yamamura to cut the colored sound and vibration had this horn.

Amp are in current made by Yamamura,30 watt transistor amp mono

The transparence, natural sound, power and dynamic are unattainable from any system.

Also ESD system listened last year and in 2019 in Munich is ridiculous near this, mainly for natural sound


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Here you can the tweeter used by Audiotekne,with horn,DEP 1750,23.000 euro price list in Italy some years ago, against the 1750 Super,much much biggter


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Here my friend Yamamura,that stayed also 6 months in my home in 1994 to build a system with tube pre and amp,8 stack, mono with external power supply of 280 kg of weight total


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The tweeter Ale Dep is used like tweeter in Magico Ultimate horn speaker
No comparison with 1750 Super
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Best system I listened in my life at home of my friend, system made by Yamamura
Is a 6 way with driver ALE Super,100 kg each and 180 kg the bass driver
A special edition Yamamura asked Mr Endo to do

Horn are Ale but modified by Yamamura to cut the colored sound and vibration had this horn.

Amp are in current made by Yamamura,30 watt transistor amp mono

The transparence, natural sound, power and dynamic are unattainable from any system.

Also ESD system listened last year and in 2019 in Munich is ridiculous near this, mainly for natural sound
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My friend started to build this system 35 years ago with Altec A7 and then add Ale 4550 and 1750 DE on mid high
I listened all these modified he did in 35 years

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