Munich HighEnd 2024

Not sure what you were listening to but for me and my friend the Aries Cerat room was head and shoulders above everything else we heard at the show by a long margin.
The realism was beyond anything I have heard before. The dynamic range was nuts. The Chinese drum song jolted us in our seats.
I find AC refreshing and I would think it can only be a good thing for the industry to have unique minds putting in this kind of effort to bring music to us.
Well to each his / her own. If I had paid for that system, I would feel like I had been mugged many times over.
Indeed, I 'shopped' 2 woofers of the Fleetwood DeVille in the Lorenzo cab as an example of a more sensitive alternative to the LV R80.

The weaknesses of the Fleetwood are the suboptimal horn, too high a crossover point and the output levels of horn versus woofer.
Lowering the xo and using the Lorenzo's waveguide will improve directivity and homogeneity due to a lower c-c distance and reduction of horn-baffle interference.
You could still use the fairly large cab of the Lorenzo, but to reduce group delay and possible low-end 'overhang' I would use a smaller cab.
I like EBS alignments, but it's best not to overdo it (aiming for a maximum of about 20 ms.).
Thank you for your answering. The owner of Lorenzo audio labs, Miguel was very disappointed to see his cabinet with Photoshop drivers installed.

Many people just glance at pictures and don’t get the gist of whatever you were trying to do, and it is detrimental in the designers opinion to his design.
Thank you for your answering. The owner of Lorenzo audio labs, Miguel was very disappointed to see his cabinet with Photoshop drivers installed.

Many people just glance at pictures and don’t get the gist of whatever you were trying to do, and it is detrimental in the designers opinion to his design.
If desired, I will delete the post.
In the hope of avoiding misunderstandings, I deliberately removed the logo.
If desired, I will delete the post. I have removed the logo in the hope of avoiding misunderstandings.
It’s not that big of a deal, but Miguel does not post on WBF and someone told him about it and he was very concerned. I actually think if you don’t mind the best thing would be to just delete it.
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Best thing i realized in 3 years munich and a lot of other hifi / dealer visits is that you can spend as less as 20-30 k second hand and sit on top of the mountain music wise.
If you want swiss enginering bling bling and as many boxes as you can afford eat your heart out .

Cat pre power does it for me
Zanden, 3000 9600
ARC and VTL as well.

I think a lot audiophiles instead are in love with ping ping music / soundefffects etc

A fairly easy to drive transducer is a big bonus off course
When is your high sensitivity design coming? We can’t wait…
Thank you so much very much appreciated!
Hope you had a great show , nice seeing you, the Pilium gear worked really well with the new Gobel Comtesse. Enjoyed listening to the combo
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Hope you had a great show , nice seeing you, the Pilium gear worked really well with the new Gobel Comtesse. Enjoyed listening to the combo
Thanks, Elliot. Great seeing you as well. The Gobel speakers were great and should make a lot of customers very happy. I think they will be a real winner.
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When is your high sensitivity design coming? We can’t wait…

I ll design one if i hear a good SET first .

The best chance regarding me liking SET is likely Lamm .
Where am i gonna hear one??
For Lamm i probably need to fly to miami.

In my real world designs i dont need more than 91 db .
The dealer in Brussels (amplitude ) uses a 50 watt tube amp plus solid state Hegel amplification.
Sounds fine but not on CAT level.
,@ Morricab music has " drive and dynamics" SET s dont have that .
May be on a enourmous AC horn design but not on real world commercial speakers.
Off course the old western Electric horns / Sibatone sounds special in their own way but again not a commercial concept

I talked with ken Stevens about it he said go ahead put them side by side he was quit confident i d like CAT more.

Dont be so dogmatic , i simply dont want the stuff.

Microstrip had them for a while and still preferred VTL.
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Micro strip had them for a while and still preferred VTL.
I had told him before he received them they wouldn’t work with his boom box. He didn’t listen, put them on sale 3 months later. VTL will work better with those. Speakers and amps are judged by the company they keep
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I had told him before he received them they would work with his boom box. He didn’t listen, put them on sale 3 months later. VTL will work better with those. Speakers and amps are judged by the company they keep
Exactly .
Show me the company you keep .
Afaic you have never assembled a satisfying home system yourself .
You only critisize others who dont think like you do .
Putting the cash down for a home system is something you still need to learn
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The best chance regarding me liking SET is likely Lamm .
Where am i gonna hear one??
For Lamm i probably need to fly to miami.

I am curious … How have you come to such a conclusion ? … There are numerous high quality SET amplifiers across a swathe of disparate manufacturers within Europe , and certainly a deal closer than a flight to Miami.

Kedar is well connected in this regard and aside from his own personal predilections would be able to advise you based on what he has heard and where .
Best thing i realized in 3 years munich and a lot of other hifi / dealer visits is that you can spend as less as 20-30 k second hand and sit on top of the mountain music wise.
If you want swiss enginering bling bling and as many boxes as you can afford eat your heart out .

Cat pre power does it for me
Zanden, 3000 9600
ARC and VTL as well.

I think a lot audiophiles instead are in love with ping ping music / soundefffects etc

A fairly easy to drive transducer is a big bonus off course
A striking observation.

Regardless of the brand and products: Audio Note is a revelation when it comes to the selection of music.

In most rooms the same audiophile whiny music is played, which in some cases also sounds better through a set of vintage mission 760s that you could buy for 50 euros.
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I am curious … How have you come to such a conclusion ? … There are numerous high quality SET amplifiers across a swathe of disparate manufacturers within Europe , and certainly a deal closer than a flight to Miami.

Kedar is well connected in this regard and aside from his own personal predilections would be able to advise you based on what he has heard and where .

The SET crowd is like the Jehova witnesses lol.
No thks.

Its a hobby listening to music .
The last thing i need in my free time / hobby is people telling me what to buy
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I ll design one if i hear a good SET first .

The best chance regarding me liking SET is likely Lamm .
Where am i gonna hear one??
For Lamm i probably need to fly to miami.

In my real world designs i dont need more than 91 db .
The dealer in Brussels (amplitude ) uses a 50 watt tube amp plus solid state Hegel amplification.
Sounds fine but not on CAT level.
,@ Morricab music has " drive and dynamics" SET s dont have that .
May be on a enourmous AC horn design but not on real world commercial speakers.
Off course the old western Electric horns / Sibatone sounds special in their own way but again not a commercial concept

I talked with ken Stevens about it he said go ahead put them side by side he was quit confident i d like CAT more.

Dont be so dogmatic , i simply dont want the stuff.

Microstrip had them for a while and still preferred VTL.

Lamm SETs will give you everything you want if you have the right speakers. You should try to hear a good set up.
The SET crowd is like the Jehova witnesses lol.
No thks.

Its a hobby listening to music .
The last thing i need in my free time / hobby is people telling me what to buy
Sure … However I would say that given your apparent predilection so far for the type of solid state equipment that floats your boat … Lamm would not be the SET amplification that springs immediately to mind were you looking for a Valve solution in a similar vein .
And swooping down from the telegraph pole … Too Funny ;0}

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I really don't want to say my personal views on the good the bad and the very ugly on a open Forum since I am in the business and it will come off as some prejudicial statement. There are good rooms, there are a few very good rooms, however there are far too many not so good rooms and IMO those who should truly get some help in designing and setting up thier spaces.
I hope you understand as I am not interested in starting a arguement and pissing off others which I know it will. Please understand :)
O.k , no problem.
I ll design one if i hear a good SET first .
Zeiler !!

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