Anyone have experience with the Legacy Audio Wavelet II?


Active Member
Jan 22, 2022
My Wavelet II is supposed to arrive late next week, I bought it to complement my new Legacy Audio Focus XD's which are about a month old now.. I have a preamp and a DAC already. I have read through the owners manual online 2-3 times and have a grasp of how to get it up and running. A few things that are confusing is the "Analogue inputs" where my preamp would be connected, there is -3, -6 and - 12 db settings. I have no idea what to choose here. I think it is with dip switches? I will most likely compare it's pre amp functions as well a DAC to what I have now. One of the advantages will be it's like having a back up Pre, and DAC if one of mine go's down for a while, also with the speakers being self powered it's also like having a spare amp, however my VAC Amp far surpasses their internal amp for mids and highs.. I tested that out already. Anyway if anyone has any experience with it's use, settings or discoveries you have made with this unit I will appreciate any suggestions or guidance you can offer, Thank you.
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@FT251 It's good to hear from you again. As I mentioned when we communicated through AS this summer the Wavelet does not truly contain a preamp in the proper sense of the word. It does contain a reliable and good quality volume control section however that is not the same as saying it has a full preamp. Whether it sound better overall compared to using an external full preamp (or DAC or streamer+DACD with a higher quality volume control section) is a function of many variables in the system including cables in between and other things.

Wavelet and Wavelet II are both capable of being a one-box solution taking a digital input, applying room correction then converting to analogue and providing an active crossover out to the matching Legacy speaker model (to the software revs loaded on Wavelet). Through a bank of XLR inputs (or you can use the RCA inputs), you can also run in any signal from the rest of the system be it a DAC with volume control or DAC->Preamp
or Phono or Tape Preamp->Preamp, etc...When you come in analog, the ADC onboard first converts the signal from analog to digital so the room correction can function and then, same as the above, the unit then uses its onboard 24/192 DAC to take the room-corrected outputs from the 64-bit DSP that are digital and convert them to analog being outputing through the active crossover portion of Wavelet.

As Wavelet is meant to fit into many different system permutations, when using analog inputs, there could be a case where your device upstream
has a very high signal level and would overload the analog inputs on Wavelet. The dip switches are meant to trim the input level if and when this
situation occurs. For several Esoteric preamps I've owned, a Coda/Saunders, a Classe CP-700 and one other, I've never had to use the dip switches as none of those input levels were too "hot" for the Wavelet inputs. There are preamps out there or DACs/other devices with volume
control sections that wind up having too hot an input level and you can mitigate this by trimming the input into Wavelet. Most people I known
of the few that have had to experiement find the -3db or -6db is about as much as needed though there are other devices out there with output
levels that necessitate a more substantial trimming of the inputs into Wavelet.

I always start with 0db when I change preamps and advocate others do the same. I would check your individual case with Legacy to see if they have different or addtional advice. I believe the manual also contains similar advice (start at 0db and only use the trims if.....).

On the subject of external versus internal amps,...their internal gen2 ICEdge amp modules for bass are actually excellent. It's in the mid-bass,
midrange and highs where I've found a real advantage using external amplification. Again, which is better is a function of many things, external amps in question (and preamp of course), cables you have on hand, etc.

Wavelet is meant as I understand it to be a great way to have a cost-effective system (all you need is a digital source) and also gives you other flexibility. On the other end of the scale you can experiment (and many do) with going direct in from a server or stream using digital and using Wavelet as an all in one device whereas you can also support a turntable and/or tape or other stack coming in analog with a proper preamp.
You can switch inputs with the web console app (also runs on Android or iPhone, tablets, etc) on the fly too as well as control any other aspect
of sound contours, DAC filters in or out, room correction off or on, and many other things. I won't repeat the whole manual here.

The best guidance I can offer is to continue planning your setup by reading the manual, get a basic mic stand so that you can properly position the calibrated measurement mic they supply perfectly when you run the setup sweeps, plan on break-in as there's a lot to break in terms of some audio circuitry, complex DAC and extremely power DSP. Break-in of upwards of 250-275 hours does help. Down the road when you can, plan on replacing the wall wart power supply with a good LPSU and good quality XLR3->XLR5 DC umbilical cable.

Have fun and enjoy!
Thanks Mark, I was going to leave you alone for now but I really appreciate your insight. Thought someone else would chime in, but you got called out, appreciated. You are a very busy man. I am going to need some "hand holding" when the time comes to go with an LPS as I am not sure whom to contact for the correct pieces, but that id down the road for now. I CAN FIND A NICE 80 W LPS BUT THE CORD IS THE TRICKY PART. I need to recover financially since I just bought the Focus XDs and Wavelett II. Thanks for the clearity on the analogue inputs. I am just going to run the Wavelett II from my XLR out from my preamp to start, hook the outputs from it to my VAC amp and XLR inputs of my Focus XD's and run the room correction. See where I am at and let it ride for a while. I may tweak those sliders a bit to fine tune. It will need to burn in, and thanks for reminding me of that. I have been breaking in stuff now for a solid month, today the system sounded amazing as it appears it is getting close! (New XLR cables to XD's, new firmware in DAC, new speakers and new resistors in my preamp and relatively new power tubes in my amp still all at once!) It was jaw droppingly good today. These XD's are really nice.
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Good plan,.... you may get other responses from Steve in St. Louis (owned Legacy Helix and in recent years, Legacy V's with Wavelet I previously and now Wavelet II) or others as well to get multiple points of view on all your questions. If you still have access to Audiogon, Audio Shark and Audio Aficionado, there is alot written across all those forums about Wavelet (by others beyond just me). You may still find my posts on AA however I no longer have access as I happily dropped my membership a few weeks ago.

So that you or anyone else can have it all in one place for the future, here is the basic info for the LPSU requirements and the umbilical:

LPSU requirements:
(I use HDPlex,....Ferrum, Uptone and others make absolutely excellent ones as well; check their output connector and other specs and adjust your plan for the cable

minimum power specs needed by Wavelet v1 and v2:

12V DC minimum (actual 12V can call for up to 13.68V on the bench but as long as you have a solid 12V, all is well) suggested a fixed 12V output
3 Amp minimum / stable
60 Watt minimum (I would go larger like a HDPlex 300W or competing unit)

The DC Umbilical (XLR3 3-pin output from LPSU => XLR 5 5-pin input on Wavelet II):

Example: GHENT AUDIO DC UMBILICAL (now a spare cable for me):
(I also have a Revelation Audio Labs Cryo-silver DC umbilical built the same way)

“Custom DC-7N16C Neotech UPOCC 7N Copper G DC(JSSG360) Cable
Length: 3m, XLR female(3pin XLR3) to XLR female(5pin, XLR5)

(LPSU Output) HDPlex LPSU Out: XLR3 3pin XLR FEMALE plug on cable, pin-2 is +VDC, pin-1 is GND, pin-3 is unused

(Destination): Legacy Audio Wavelet v I or vII Input: XLR5 5-pin XLR FEMALE plug , pin-5 is +VDC, pin-3 is GND, other pins (1,2,4) are unused

So we have Pin-2 on XLR3 FEMALE at source going to Pin-5 on XLR5 FEMALE at destination for +VDC, Pin-1 on XLR3 source going to Pin-3 on XLR5 for GND
The best guidance I can offer is to continue planning your setup by reading the manual, get a basic mic stand so that you can properly position the calibrated measurement mic they supply perfectly when you run the setup sweeps, plan on break-in as there's a lot to break in terms of some audio circuitry, complex DAC and extremely power DSP. Break-in of upwards of 250-275 hours does help. Down the road when you can, plan on replacing the wall wart power supply with a good LPSU and good quality XLR3->XLR5 DC umbilical cable.

So I have set up the Wavelet II and I have run my sweeps. (I did listen to it with out room correction for a while to see how it worked as a crossover first) I also got an adapter (Figure 8 to IEC) so I can use a better power cord than the stock one, so at least I have that to tide me over until I get the LPS for it. (An $800 purchase) I noticed that I needed to run my pre amp volume higher than before the Wavelet was introduced. I have since increased the pre amp setting output level to "Full Active" (It has passive buffered, Medium Active-where I was at and Full Active) This brought back the dynamics I was used to. So I am now trying to understand the balance of the volume level of the Wavelet and how to find the right balance. I have it a 85 because that is where Legacy recommended it be for the sweeps. Are there saturation concerns, what process do I use to find what is the correct Wavelet volume level? Should I leave it at 85? If I lower it can that reduce the bass output if i still have too much? I still have all my sliders at "0" I have Omnio off and Apodizing on. There is so much to experiment with so I want to take it slow and methodically so I understand what I amm doing. I am getting used to the "Room Correction" as it's a different presentation and some "tubiness" is gone possibly. I think the preamp output increase added it back. I also want to find a way to finesse the bass to become a little better controlled still. Thank to those contributing here that have experience with this unit. I left 2 messages with Legacy but never heard back, I also have used tech support at TMR where I bought it and they helped me get it going but they really lack any practical experience with this thing. I am reaching out the the experts to help guide me though this journey. Thank you.

Could you lay out your cabling in and out of the Wavelet II?
I have XLR R-3/XLR L-4 in to Wavelet II from my pre amp. I have XLR 1 out to left speaker, XLR 5 out to right speaker. I have RCA 2 to left amp in put and RCA 6 to right amp input.
In that configuration, I use the volume control on my preamplifier to control. My Wavelet I is at Legacy recommended volume level. When Zi run room correction the preamplifier was adjusted to get 84 DB in the room.
I use my preamp as well to control volume. For sweeps I set the Wavelet v2 (and also v1 before it) to 85.

For normal listening though I have always found that if you walk the Wavelet volume control down a 0.1db at a time
slowly from 85/higher on down, you will hear a 'click' when the volume control enters its other mode. In this range
below 85, somewhere from 82.9 to 83.9 seems to be where most people (and I) wind up listening.

We've talked via phone and text; I've sent you some contour settings to experiment with. Those are a shot in the dark
though and experimentation for your system, room, etc is mandatory. Each contour range works like a parameter EQ
so bear in mind that changing one type of contour will have sonic impact that may have you making accomodating
or complimentary changes in another contour.

WHAT YOU REALLY NEED TO DO: send an email to Legacy on Give them your Wavelet Serial Number
(from your connect URL that allows you bring up the Bohmer/Legacy web interface). Ask them to have Bill look at your room correction
sweeps' input files as well as the room correction analysis outputs. He can then better suggest an initial set of voicing/contour settings
that are best given what he can see (and we cannot).
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Thank you Mark.I appreciate your phone call too.
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SC Audiophile wrote:
""WHAT YOU REALLY NEED TO DO: send an email to Legacy on Give them your Wavelet Serial Number
(from your connect URL that allows you bring up the Bohmer/Legacy web interface). Ask them to have Bill look at your room correction
sweeps' input files as well as the room correction analysis outputs. He can then better suggest an initial set of voicing/contour settings

that are best given what he can see (and we cannot)."

Mark I want to thank you for your assistance. I did work with Ed and Bill and we finally got a sweep they were happy with @79, we kept stepping it down from 85. I think I have an answer to my L/R channel swap. When the Firmware of my DAC was updated I needed to re do the I2s pin out, and I think the one I choose inverted L/R channels. I am working with Vinshine to get that fixed, meantime I switched XLR's between 3-4 on the Wavelet and now the "magic" is happening! I am getting things dialed i n with adjustments and it's really good. Listened last night for a few hours and heard things like I never had before. The dynamics are amazing!! Soundstage is deeper, more sorted out and better layered so fine intricate tones and timber come through. Thanks! Nowe I am away for a month so will pick up things when io return. i will add the LPS we talked about then. What kind of changes can I expect from the LPS on the Wavelet II?
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Sounds like you, Mark, Ed and Bill are getting things sorted. Congratulations! I’ll be glad to supply any extra input you might need. Everyone has different experiences and thoughts. But Wavelet 2 is a fine piece of kit. And for those doubting that room correction is not worth while they have probably not experienced what Wavelet can do for a system. I’ve tried other solutions of DSP in the past and nothing compares to Bill’s and Bohmer’s system. Its so easy to use vs any of the software packages I’ve read and tried to use. The next most effective DSP system I’ve used is what’s built into the JL Audio subwoofer systems.
SC Audiophile wrote:
""WHAT YOU REALLY NEED TO DO: send an email to Legacy on Give them your Wavelet Serial Number
(from your connect URL that allows you bring up the Bohmer/Legacy web interface). Ask them to have Bill look at your room correction
sweeps' input files as well as the room correction analysis outputs. He can then better suggest an initial set of voicing/contour settings

that are best given what he can see (and we cannot)."

Mark I want to thank you for your assistance. I did work with ed and Bill and we finally got a sweep they were happy with @79, we kept stepping it down from 85. I think I have an answer to my L/R channel swap. When the Firmware of my DAC was updated I needed to re do the I2s pin out, and I think the one I choose inverted L/R channels. i am working wit Vinshine to get that fixed, meantime I switches XLR's between 3-4 on Wavelet and now the "magic" is happening! I am getting things dialed i n with adjustments and it's really good. Listened last night for a few hours and heard things like I never had before. The dynamics are amazing!! Soundstage is deeper, more sorted out and better layered so fine intricate tones and tomber come through. Thanks! Nowe I am away for a month so will pick up things when io return. i will add the LPS we talked about then. What kind of changes can I expect from the LPS on the Wavelet II?
I am very glad to see that things are working out for you and you've found the root cause of the issues you were chasing viz. inversion and other items.

The benefits of replacing the wall wart power supply for (Wavelet v1 and v2) with a quality LPSU from HDPlex, Uptone (and possibly Ferrum though no direct experience there other than their unit's great reputations) are well worth it. I have direct hands-on knowledge of use of HDPlex with Wavelet v1 + Aeris, v1, Wavelet v1 with Calibre XD + Foundation custom build setup and Valor. As of the last year+ I've been lucky enough to have the very substantial upgrade to Wavelet v2 and further also using the last 300W HDPlex generation of LPSU. Others like Steve can comment on both HDPlex and Uptone Audio (and I've read and heard very good things about the latter).

If you search here, Audioshark and Audiogon for "HDPlex" and "Wavelet" you'll find a large number of posts where specifics of benefit of using an aftermarket audio-grade LPSU are already well documented.
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Hey Mark, I am the guy from VA with the Wavelet 2 with my Valors.....good stuff. I recently upgraded my LPS on my Wavelet 2 from an HDPlex 200 to a Linear Tube Audio LPS (local MD company) and am very impressed with the improvement in SQ.....check them out On the front end side, currently use a Lumin X1 as a streaming DAC and like the way it sounds....going to try a Bricasti M12 in front of the Wavelet 2 and bypass the X1 to see how it sounds.....
It's great to hear from you and I'm glad all is going well for you. That looks like a great unit,...will check it out further.

I've been having great results with a pair of Esoteric S-02 stereo amps and matching C-02X preamp in my setup together with an HDPLEX 300W unit.
I have had mine for about 6 months and have experimented to find what sounds best. Having a variety of devices helps me do this. I have found that sending a digital signal via USB ROON NUCLEUS and allowing the DAC/DSP of WAVELET 2 to process the signal sounds best. More crisp, clean and lively through my Legacy Aeris XD loudspeakers. So you need a digital source that outputs a digital signal. I highly recommend a ROON NUCLEUS!!
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@SmithAudio520 Congratulations on a very nice system and welcome!

I've owned the original Aeris with Xilica 4080DSP and soon after, Wavelet I and then Wavelet I with CaliberXD + dual Foundation subs
and (since June 2020) Valor with Wavelet I then the latest Wavelet II and firmware. Wavelet is an extremely good DAC and volume
control when receiving a quality digital signal input and makes for a great one-box or few-boxes way to get a great sounding system.
I've run two different Esoteric transports as a test direct in to Wavelet using their digital outputs and also a MacBook pro's output.
In all cases, Wavelet I (and even more so Wavelet II with its better DACs and DSP+algos) did a fantastic job playing music of all types.

There's a point I and others have found where using an SOTA/audiophile-grade external DAC(s) and preamp is also great and in many
cases preferred. That stated, it's usual quite costly and more complex (cables too) to get to that point.
I have sold my VAC Preamp and AMP. I am now going to run the analogue XLR's directly from my Venus II DAC into the Wavelet II. I am waiting on my new Coda S5.5 amp to arrive, next week at the latest. I am going to listen this way for a while before working to decide if:
1. Should I get another tube preamp to add prior to the Wavelet II? (Candidates are Aric Audio Motherload II XL, Spacial Audio Raven)
2. Should I just upgrade my DAC to something better. (Candidates are T+A Dac 200, Lampizator Baltic 4, Aqua Scala La Scala MKII Optologic DAC)
Not really sure how this will go or which option to choose if I am lacking the tube magic I had prior.
Thoughts or suggestions.
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I have sold my VAC Preamp and AMP. I am now going to run the analogue XLR's directly from my Venus II DAC into the Wavelet II. I am waiting on my new Coda S5.5 amp to arrive, next week at the latest. I am going to listen this way for a while before working to decide if:
1. Should I get another tube preamp to add prior to the Wavelet II? (Candidates are Aric Audio Motherload II XL, Spacial Audio Raven)
2. Should I just upgrade my DAC to something better. (Candidates are T+A Dac 200, Lampizator Baltic 4, Aqua Scala La Scala MKII Optologic DAC)
Not really sure how this will go or which option to choose if I am lacking the tube magic I had prior.
Thoughts or suggestions.
Have you tried the upgraded DAC in the Wavelet II?

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