I’ve had Full Service Driving with my Model S from
the get go, along with unlimited free supercharging. My initial impression of FSD soured me on it. That was 5 years ago. The recent updates are supposed to make it much more useful. The visuals have improved greatly. I see it notices traffic lights and stop signs etc. The improvements are due to using an end-to-end neural network trained on millions of hours of video. But as someone who knows the technology used in deep learning as well as anyone on the planet, I’m wary of it still. More than 30 years ago I published my first book on machine learning and AI, the second chapter of which focused on building autonomous cars with deep learning neural networks. 30 years later, the technology is in the hands of the consumer. It will get much better over time, so I’m a cautious wait-and-see kind of consumer. Eventually I expect as I get older and my reflexes are not as sharp, I’m sure I will use it more often. It will by then have gotten significantly better. I don’t expect to buy another car. My model S will outlive me.