ChatGPT and the future of the music industry


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2022
As I indicated previously on WBF, generative AI is coming to the music industry. As someone who has worked in AI for 40 years, the change that is coming will be so transformative that it will change every aspect of the music industry, from creation to consumption to technology. Be forewarned if you are music creator, producer, hifi vendor or consumer. There are fortunes to be made and fortunes will be lost. Generative AI for music is the new Wild West of the music industry.

As evidence, consider this new startup called Suno AI that will generate on demand a completely novel song for you given a short prompt, and sing it as well with music.

The ramifications are mind blowing. This era may be the last where humans are the sole creative species on the planet. Your children and grandchildren will live in a world where the vast content on the web is computer generated by AI, from music to movies to poetry and art. Anyone can be a creator. Much as You Tube made it possible for anyone to broadcast their videos to the world, generative AI will enable anyone to compose songs, generate music from them and distribute it. Where does this technology leave today’s creators?

Depending on your point of view, the AI generated future is Orwellian or a brighter tomorrow that levels the playing field by democratizing the music creation business. You don’t need to be a gifted songwriter or performer. Merely a “mixer” who searches through a space of prompts to get music written, composed and performed to your liking.

Whether we like it or not, we are hurtling towards an AI future that will touch every aspect of our lives, from the way our kids will be educated to how you will be treated for your illness to how you will be entertained.

Vast sums of money are pouring into generative AI. Just recently it was announced that Microsoft and Open AI are planning to set up a new AI data center that will cost $100 billion to build.

The energy required for generative AI is so large that the hottest startups in the Bay Area are those involving nuclear fusion. Microsoft just signed a licensing deal to buy energy from a nuclear fusion startup.

It gets better. Sam Altman of Open AI says he wants the US and other governments to pitch in seven trillion dollars for an AI chip industry. Even in the supercharged environment of the Bay Area, that’s a large number. It’s a quarter of the US’s GDP.

So, there you have it. We might be the last of humanity who enjoyed our intellectual dominance. Our AI overlords are coming. And we’re helping build them.
As I indicated previously on WBF, generative AI is coming to the music industry. As someone who has worked in AI for 40 years, the change that is coming will be so transformative that it will change every aspect of the music industry, from creation to consumption to technology. Be forewarned if you are music creator, producer, hifi vendor or consumer. There are fortunes to be made and fortunes will be lost. Generative AI for music is the new Wild West of the music industry.

As evidence, consider this new startup called Suno AI that will generate on demand a completely novel song for you given a short prompt, and sing it as well with music.

The ramifications are mind blowing. This era may be the last where humans are the sole creative species on the planet. Your children and grandchildren will live in a world where the vast content on the web is computer generated by AI, from music to movies to poetry and art. Anyone can be a creator. Much as You Tube made it possible for anyone to broadcast their videos to the world, generative AI will enable anyone to compose songs, generate music from them and distribute it. Where does this technology leave today’s creators?

Depending on your point of view, the AI generated future is Orwellian or a brighter tomorrow that levels the playing field by democratizing the music creation business. You don’t need to be a gifted songwriter or performer. Merely a “mixer” who searches through a space of prompts to get music written, composed and performed to your liking.

Whether we like it or not, we are hurtling towards an AI future that will touch every aspect of our lives, from the way our kids will be educated to how you will be treated for your illness to how you will be entertained.

Vast sums of money are pouring into generative AI. Just recently it was announced that Microsoft and Open AI are planning to set up a new AI data center that will cost $100 billion to build.

The energy required for generative AI is so large that the hottest startups in the Bay Area are those involving nuclear fusion. Microsoft just signed a licensing deal to buy energy from a nuclear fusion startup.

It gets better. Sam Altman of Open AI says he wants the US and other governments to pitch in seven trillion dollars for an AI chip industry. Even in the supercharged environment of the Bay Area, that’s a large number. It’s a quarter of the US’s GDP.

So, there you have it. We might be the last of humanity who enjoyed our intellectual dominance. Our AI overlords are coming. And we’re helping build them.
Or we may just be in a transition region. The stories of Pandora’s Box and the Tower of Babel will be joined by a new story of human arrogance. This is not a case of Vuja De.
The talent is dying whilst Ozempic is the answer to gluttony. Musk, Holmes et al triumphant peddlers of garbage.

On another note my new label will never use AI instead ploughing the back catalogues of genuinely talented artists and plagiarising the heck out of them.

Kindest regards, (fivehundredandfivepointtwoKelvin) G.
As I indicated previously on WBF, generative AI is coming to the music industry. As someone who has worked in AI for 40 years, the change that is coming will be so transformative that it will change every aspect of the music industry, from creation to consumption to technology. Be forewarned if you are music creator, producer, hifi vendor or consumer. There are fortunes to be made and fortunes will be lost. Generative AI for music is the new Wild West of the music industry.

As evidence, consider this new startup called Suno AI that will generate on demand a completely novel song for you given a short prompt, and sing it as well with music.

The ramifications are mind blowing. This era may be the last where humans are the sole creative species on the planet. Your children and grandchildren will live in a world where the vast content on the web is computer generated by AI, from music to movies to poetry and art. Anyone can be a creator. Much as You Tube made it possible for anyone to broadcast their videos to the world, generative AI will enable anyone to compose songs, generate music from them and distribute it. Where does this technology leave today’s creators?

Depending on your point of view, the AI generated future is Orwellian or a brighter tomorrow that levels the playing field by democratizing the music creation business. You don’t need to be a gifted songwriter or performer. Merely a “mixer” who searches through a space of prompts to get music written, composed and performed to your liking.

Whether we like it or not, we are hurtling towards an AI future that will touch every aspect of our lives, from the way our kids will be educated to how you will be treated for your illness to how you will be entertained.

Vast sums of money are pouring into generative AI. Just recently it was announced that Microsoft and Open AI are planning to set up a new AI data center that will cost $100 billion to build.

The energy required for generative AI is so large that the hottest startups in the Bay Area are those involving nuclear fusion. Microsoft just signed a licensing deal to buy energy from a nuclear fusion startup.

It gets better. Sam Altman of Open AI says he wants the US and other governments to pitch in seven trillion dollars for an AI chip industry. Even in the supercharged environment of the Bay Area, that’s a large number. It’s a quarter of the US’s GDP.

So, there you have it. We might be the last of humanity who enjoyed our intellectual dominance. Our AI overlords are coming. And we’re helping build them.
Yet in the day to day world all you see is A with no I
The I can arguably stand for information rather than for intelligence. AI implementations are so strongly colored by the biases of the underlying algorithms that only politicians, ocd researchers, and advertising executives are easily drawn in. Sadly these are our cultural leaders.

We live in an age of information, not an age of wisdom. The idiots who funneled us down this chute now argue about what information is valid, what information is “misinformation,” and what information is “malinformation.” In fact, parsing bits into these bins with expectations that anyone but the parser will benefit is the textbook example of foolishness.
The I can arguably stand for information rather than for intelligence. AI implementations are so strongly colored by the biases of the underlying algorithms that only politicians, ocd researchers, and advertising executives are easily drawn in. Sadly these are our cultural leaders.

We live in an age of information, not an age of wisdom. The idiots who funneled us down this chute now argue about what information is valid, what information is “misinformation,” and what information is “malinformation.” In fact, parsing bits into these bins with expectations that anyone but the parser will benefit is the textbook example of foolishness.
AJ what amazes me is any interaction we have with AI such as chat bots on corporate websites etc are beyond infantile , just blood pressure raising time wasters clearly no money is being splashed into that area where it could be useful answering the simple questions. I share your concerns re lack of wisdom... I am sure it will be used to empty our pockets more effectively, both legally and illegally as well as for good but you hope there always will be an experienced person standing by with access to the off button !
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The I can arguably stand for information rather than for intelligence. AI implementations are so strongly colored by the biases of the underlying algorithms that only politicians, ocd researchers, and advertising executives are easily drawn in. Sadly these are our cultural leaders.

We live in an age of information, not an age of wisdom. The idiots who funneled us down this chute now argue about what information is valid, what information is “misinformation,” and what information is “malinformation.” In fact, parsing bits into these bins with expectations that anyone but the parser will benefit is the textbook example of foolishness.
Well said and unfortunately true.
HAL has arrived but in a very different, potentially menacing prototype. In my view, the current and future AI iterations will further compromise (in certain crucial, public opinion areas including but not limited to the political arena) the human race's ability to evaluate issues and make decisions in a rational, reasoned, fact based manner.

Social media's current impact is substantial. And who is in control and establish the guardrails? AI will take this to a whole new level. Very scary tech.

BTW, does anyone know how Kubrick came up with the acronym?
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