Gryphon feet


Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2012
San Diego
Has anyone removed the Gryphon feet and replaced with other feet? Is it as easy as unscrewing the feet to remove them? Did you get improvement in sound with the new feet?
The feet can be easily removed and changed. The Gryphon components have Gryphon feet of different qualities and concepts under them out of the box. I did not hear an improvement after replacing them.
The standard feet under the Diablo 300 for example are cheap plastic parts. I put a Harmonix combination of
REI-168 + RF999Z under it and I recognize some improvement in soundquality. Not that much but audible. Btw, to remove the feet you have to unscrew them easily.
I took the stock feet off my Diablo 300, easily unscrewed, as soon as I received it and placed the amp Grand Prix Audio Apex feet. If I do my phrasing and volume correctly I can say I have a THE GRYPHON on APEX, and it sounds like I have a far better system than I really have. I did not A/B the difference because GPA Apex feet improve the sound everywhere else in my system and under my previous integrated amp.

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