Totaldac damping feet

reporting back to this thread...I ended up getting the TD Triunity, best DAC I have ever heard without question. As far as the feet I didn't get them since I got the DAC second hand. I put the HRS nimbus couplers under with a DPX plate on top..To be honest, I can never tell if it improves sound or not, what I do know is my speakers create alot of vibration so I felt the need to do something.

Overall this DAC is everything I was looking for in a dac, which is a rare find for me. We can spend years looking for the right sound, this DAC is definitely a place to stop for a while and truly enjoy the music for many years. The last dac that I felt this way about was my MSB, and the TD is MUCH better IMO... There is literally not one single aspect to the way it reproduces sound that I can complain about, which is TALL order for me! In typical audiophile fashion I can find fault with even the most well reviewed piece of equipment. Just waiting for my new speakers now and my system build should be about done with the exception of a few tweaks.

Thanks for the help and guidance on these forums!
BTW, in regards to the damping feet Vincent is offering..I believe these are Revopod minis. VIncent would need to validate that. From what I can tell they look exactly like revopods, or made by revopod for TD.
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I have the feet now under my TD, the Revopod Minis are in FACT what Vincent uses for his feet. I notice a bit more focus and tightening up of the sound with the Totaldac feet (Revopods). But it also seems to tighten up the soundstage some as a side effect..Still evaluating and comparing the HRS nimbus feet, which loosen things up a bit. It really just comes down to do you want Delrin (Totaldac/Revopod Feet) or do you want a vulcanized rubber under your dac, thats the materials being used ultimately. Both sound slightly different not better or worse, so it just comes down to preference. I'd say if you like more focus in your sound you put the TD feet on, if you like wider soundstage and and slightly looser bass you go with the HRS Nimbus feet.
Placed them under the DAC. The new feet did not exist when I upgraded to the Sublime DAC

When I sent my two TD Drivers XLR to upgrade to Sublime, I asked for the new feet, so those came in screwed to the Drivers.

I recently tried six Revopods under the Sublime DAC, and preferred the new Totaldac feet.
Did you try the Revopod minis or the full sized Revopods when you tried them?
Full sized Revopods.
Gotcha...those are really meant for heavier equipment than the TD. What you have on it now are also Revopods, just the minis. I am still auditioning going between them and the HRS, so far HRS nimbus sound better but need a couple more days. It's close and I'd go with the revopod minis but the soundstage seems to slim down a little.
Gotcha...those are really meant for heavier equipment than the TD. What you have on it now are also Revopods, just the minis. I am still auditioning going between them and the HRS, so far HRS nimbus sound better but need a couple more days. It's close and I'd go with the revopod minis but the soundstage seems to slim down a little.
I tried the HRS Nimbus years ago and didn't like them, decreased bass control.
Upon further review and slight speaker spacing adjustment I am leaning Totaldac feet (Revopods) under the DAC. increasing the spacing of the speakers seemed to recapture the Soundstage I felt I lost. These definitely tighten the bass and increase the focus by an audible amount. I'd say they are worth if one is looking to add more clarity/resolution to their system. Funny how these little tweaks change the sound so much.
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