Violin videos: solo or with small ensemble

Among many WBF threads, this thread has been hardest to go through. Many violin sounds in videos are so dirty and bad that give me bad feelings. Hurting ears, makes me nervous with headache are given. Some gave me shocks. Some hurts my limbs. Some pick my eyes. Some make me nauseous. Some make me feel kicking my stomach and still hurting it after an hour. How are you guys standing with that sound. I guess many you don't listen violin much.
Nice video, shame you had to add those insulting comments, why did you do that, are you having a bad day or are you just an ignorant person?
Among many WBF threads, this thread has been hardest to go through. Many violin sounds in videos are so dirty and bad that give me bad feelings. Hurting ears, makes me nervous with headache are given. Some gave me shocks. Some hurts my limbs. Some pick my eyes. Some make me nauseous. Some make me feel kicking my stomach and still hurting it after an hour. How are you guys standing with that sound. I guess many you don't listen violin much.
I am not sure what your experience with live violin is but recorded up close it is often not so clean and sweet. See my post #82 in this experience with violin is extensive.
Among many WBF threads, this thread has been hardest to go through. Many violin sounds in videos are so dirty and bad that give me bad feelings. Etc

Alex , It is in the unavoidable nature of YouTube’s default compression algorithm that some instruments are inevitably compromised when attempting to covey the truth of the recording and of the corporeal event , Violin and Grand Piano obviously spring to mind .
I apologize for my previous post. I was tired and weak that a couple of videos’ sounds hurt my stomach and I was out of the line. I've deleted my words in that post. Best regards,
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Nice. I have that same LP box set, but have not listened to it in some time. I was listening the other night to the 1952 version which I have on CD (and is in Mono - I am tuning my open baffle speakers, and so far am still working on one of them..).

These recordings are challenging. The sound level is quite low, and you really have to dial in the speaker placement/listening position/acoustics to get all the details and reproduce the texture and tone correctly. The music is inspiring!
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This is "digital recording" on Philips from 1984. There is a fair amount of background faffing about as my dog was jumping all over me during the take (you see him walk in front of the system towards the end)
Fabulous looking gear and rockin away with Nathan Milstein… cool system and great music… super nice way to live and enjoy music there je2a3.
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