The Puritan PSM156

After receiving the PCM156 this week, I can say definitively it works well with Grimm MU2 which honestly I did not expect. Really good. Immediately cleans up a layer of grunge you didn’t know was there. Makes performers more present. Allows you to hear musicians individual parts more clearly. The imaging gets more distinct and solid. Bass gets more textured tight and resolved. 3D localization is more than i’ve ever had in any system. Now you can track precisely imaging in space with the electronic music I like to listen to and hear vertical and depth detail. Stuff like Chocolate Chip Trip from Tool was revelatory - they put a lot more in there than I ever knew! Contemplating the upgrade to statement PC and ground city but things are so good right now I honestly don't see the point. Curious how it will do with the M10X and my Synergisic Research switch now For reference, I've owned Denali V2 and Everest conditioners as well.
The Ultimate power cable is a definite step up over the classic, although the Classic is no slouch compared to other expensive brand cables
If one uses a isolation transformer such as an Equi-Tech or a Torus, and then one plugs a Puritan into the Equi-Tech or the Torus, what noise is left for the Puritan to operate upon?
I've replaced the generic wall outlet which the Puritan 156 connected to with a FURUTECH FT-SWS NCF,
and if I'm not imaging things there's a noticeable improvement!

I'm still with the basic power cable and thinking to upgrade to the puritan ultimate,
but I'm seeing people got great results with high-end stealth audio, Shunyata cables.

Could it be just an overkill and the ultimate cable should suffice?
what noise is left for the Puritan to operate upon?
One possible explanation. In some environments, It can be difficult to hear the inherent background noise until you insert another noise reduction device resulting in further noise floor drop. Can be very challenging to quantify until it is gone.
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A recent review (URL below) of the passive Puritan 156, including objective measurements.
Apparently, there's measurable leakage between the purportedly "isolated" outlets, plus it doesn't handle stray DC well.

Separately, this objective test (see YouTube video) on the PS Audio PowerPlant 12 is a great comparison.

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I've been demoing the Puritan 156 for a few days so I presume break-in is not complete. I must admit that at this point it's probably a non-keeper. It giveth, but it also taketh away. I provides a pleasant smoothness to the sound at the expense of transparency, especially the bass. Plugging my Soulution 727 into it vs the wall is no contest. I thought the Ultimate PC may have partly been the culprit but even with 2 different power cords, I don't think the addition of the Puritan offers a clear advantage. Evaluation shall continue.
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Thank you for this interesting report, Marty!

The Puritan 156 is a popular product. At least two out of the six members of the Orange County Audiophile Posse love their 156s.

My personal view on all varieties of power devices continues to be that individual AC mains power and electrical infrastructures and grounding systems and combinations of components and subjective sonic preferences all conspire to make the sonic effects of power devices extremely idiosyncratic and unpredictable in any particular audiophile system. There are no sonic rules or predictors of general applicability.
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I don't think the addition of the Puritan offers a clear advantage. Evaluation shall continue.

For my part I found the old “sonic rule” and “Predictor Of General Applicability” where mains power conditioners are concerned , to be applicable with regard to the Puritan :

Source Components Yup , Pre amplification Hmmmm Maybe ?!?!? , Power amplification Nope … as always YMMV IMHO etc.
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For my part I found the old “sonic rule” and “Predictor Of General Applicability” where mains power conditioners are concerned , to be applicable with regard to the Puritan :

Source Components Yup , Pre amplification Hmmmm Maybe , Power amplification Nope ,as always YMMV IMHO etc.

Interesting. I found similar with my 2 isolation transformers, even though they are rated at 1000 W each. I use them for my source components:

Transformer 1, CD transport and reclocker; transformer 2, DAC. Load on the transformers is about 35 W each.

Preamp loses some energy when plugged in, so it isn't.

I use ZenWave power cords successfully for all components, including preamp and power amp.
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Thank you for this interesting report, Marty!

The Puritan 156 is a popular product. At least two out of the six members of the Orange County Audiophile Posse love their 156s.

My personal view on all varieties of power devices continues to be that individual AC mains power and electrical infrastructures and grounding systems and combinations of components and subjective sonic preferences all conspire to make the sonic effects of power devices extremely idiosyncratic and unpredictable in any particular audiophile system. There are no sonic rules or predictors of general applicability.
Agree with you Ron. Having 2 Puritans in my system I found them useful only for digital sources, DAC in particular.
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Following @marty @Argonaut @Ron Resnick posts,

I've unplugged my Kondo Overture pm-2i from the Puritan psm156 and plugged it directly to the wall without any conditioning.

Leaving all the other components plugged into the psm156,
I find the Overture to be more "Natural" sounding.

Maybe with less crisp and sparkle but a more musical flow/smoothness, and overall enjoyable sound.
You guys have me now thinking about mine. I think it's time for me to try some experimenting.....

Thanks for sharing your experience guys.
I'm now realizing that I never truly heard the Overture, with it now plugged directly into the wall.

Before the psm156 i had an isol-8 and before that i had different amps and preamps.
Always plugged to some sort of power conditioning and never directly to the wall as i live in a rental apartment with an old electric infrastructure.

Tidal radio randomly picked "O Helga natt" and I've ended up listening to the whole album.
It was just perfect, exactly as Kondo advertised:

Blending the high power output of Pentode EL34, with Triode's iconic richness in musicality.
Fully unleashed the wildness and dynamic of music while having all micro details expressed with textures.
Audio Note's philosophy of an ideal integrated amplifier. A simple audio system of excellent balance. Capable of giving the best from details, dynamic and musicality.​

Switching between Tidal and my turntable,
Everything sounds just 'right'.
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