The Holy Grail of Master Tapes?

Dear Bruce,

Please convince them to release -even if very limited numbers of- tape copies for us. I would love to get some. Tell them, this comes from a guy in Turkey!

I remember talking to Zane Kesey (son of Ken Kesey) and getting some vhs copies of their old trips where mountain girl was on too. This was more than 20 years ago, the videos were from the sixties... I am very happy to see they are still going "furthur"

I am not an original dead head as I am young for that but I loved their music, their trips and all the beauty and colors they brought into my life.
Another interesting tape in the collection..... a Mickey Hart project never released. Seems the studio didn't like it and with the passing of Bruce Lee, the project was scrubbed!


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Hello Sir,

You probably already answered this in other threads, but I’m curious…

Digitizing at DSD4 implies a Merging converter. Is that the case? What will you use for transcoding to LPCM?
That's terrific Bruce! What a fun project!

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