Odeon Midas speakers


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2020
Hi guys,

Anyone heard this model? Looking for a full natural sweet dynamic sound. With good details. Don't want lean or bright.

I have a pair.
Excellent speakers for the price.
Small, pretty and a very good sensitivity of 95 dB
How is the overall sound? Is it full and sweet. Right now I have Harbeth.
The bass is rather robust but not boomy and they are quite transpararent but not lean or bright.
I prefer the Midas over the Harbeths I have heard.
The bass is rather robust but not boomy and they are quite transpararent but not lean or bright.
I prefer the Midas over the Harbeths I have heard.
Thanks Christoph! I know you are a horn lover. I will report after I have heard them. I am kinda looking for poor man's version of Stenheim Alumine three!
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Thanks Christoph! I know you are a horn lover. I will report after I have heard them. I am kinda looking for poor man's version of Stenheim Alumine three!
You are welcome.
I'm not horns only, I live happily with several dipoles, ESL and mostly magnetostats.
Please report back how you like the Midas
Hi guys,

Anyone heard this model? Looking for a full natural sweet dynamic sound. With good details. Don't want lean or bright.

Hate to bring a thread back from the dead... but I was wondering if you ever had a chance to hear these speakers yet???
If yes, what did you think? How did they compare to the Harbeth's
What amplification did you hear them with?

Best wishes,

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