The ***Official*** Progressive Rock Thread

ELP fans take note.
If you don’t know about Rachel Flowers you’re in for a mind blowing treat.
Blind since near birth, she was playing Bach by ear at 4.
She has a special affinity and mastery of the Keith Emerson ( bless him) catalog. Check Tarkus on solo piano.

That is fantastic and inspiring. Thanks for bringing it to my attention
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Here’s something different- rambling retro easy going jazzy Prog from Montreal released a couple of weeks ago.
Now Playing-
Les Ruines De L’Azur- “Self Titled release”

Now Playing:
Donner & The Devil- Laid To Waste

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Returned To Earth- Stalagmite Steeple

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Edelveiss- The Mountain

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Half Empty Glasshouse- The Exit Is Over There!

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