Experience with Mola Mola Lupe

Looking forward to your thoughts on them versus your BPS! Thanks.
I was there when the RCM was plumbed in, a few of us had popped over for a catch up. 6 months in storage, 20 mins warm up and genuine shock in the room upon needle drop. One of the guys even asked if it was the same track being played! For me it was a case of just forgetting the system and hearing the music, that doesn't often happen. It was terrific via Horizon digital and AMG/BPS, different flavours. The addition of the RCM phono took things to a different level, very surprising
Reach out to Bill Parish at GTT Audio. He is the distributor and a dealer and will have the best knowledge on availability.
They are available. No problem getting them.
On the topic of the Lupe, or any of the Mola Mola electronics for that matter, has anyone experience partnering with loudspeakers from Vivid Audio, TAD, or other “engineering-first” designs?
Great with Vivid!
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I was there when the RCM was plumbed in, a few of us had popped over for a catch up. 6 months in storage, 20 mins warm up and genuine shock in the room upon needle drop. One of the guys even asked if it was the same track being played! For me it was a case of just forgetting the system and hearing the music, that doesn't often happen. It was terrific via Horizon digital and AMG/BPS, different flavours. The addition of the RCM phono took things to a different level, very surprising

Yes pretty much what Dan said. I originally bought the BPS as a "starter" phono stage when I got my AMG a few years' back and it's brilliant for what it is - easy to hook up to the system, decent sound quality, and cost-effective. Given the time spent improving the digital side of my system I hadn't really thought much more about the vinyl side of things until now.
Following Munich and a renewed commitment to listen to more vinyl, I wasn't expecting too much from the AMG + BPS when we sat down to listen in the session Dan mentions, but all of us were pleasantly surprised as to how good it sounded relative to the Horizon. I don't think any of us believed it was subjectively better, but enjoyable none-the-less.
The addition of the RCM was a big step change, to the point where there was a genuine debate to be had - digital vs vinyl - and I suspect if we voted, vinyl would have probably won out.
Where the Lupe fits in is far closer to the RCM than to the Nagra - more body, drive, and dynamics, but just not to the level the RCM takes it to. Given the relative prices (BPS approx £2k, Lupe £8k, RCM £16k), as everything in hifi, the law of diminishing returns comes into play, but it feels like the performance differential across the 3 justifies the pricing differences.

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