Lumin app isnt loading.


New Member
Oct 3, 2023
Washington, DC
I have downloaded the app on iphone, tablet and imac and I get the same results. No log in page and settings open but not all of them. When I try chose a Lumin nothing happens. The U1 mini screen says ready for music but I cant get the app to work. The attached picture shows how it opens
I suggest posting this inquiry on the Lumin Forum at AudioShark. Whenever I have a problem with the Lumin App, I post the issue there. Peter Lie, who goes by wklie there and who is the Lumin Firmware Lead, is VERY responsive in solving such issues. He is one reason I find Lumin equipment to be such a good investment. The software/firmware works extremely well to begin with and when there are the occasional problems, he fixes them fast once he knows about then through posts to that Lumin Forum.

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