VAC Master preamp vs ARC Ref 6SE

I have an ARC REF6 (stock tubes) which replaced a VAC Renaissance Mk V. I know that is much farther down the totem pole than the Master, but to me, and for what it's worth, the REF6 was definitely better sounding to me than the VAC at that level.
I have an ARC REF6 (stock tubes) which replaced a VAC Renaissance Mk V. I know that is much farther down the totem pole than the Master, but to me, and for what it's worth, the REF6 was definitely better sounding to me than the VAC at that level.
I understand your comment. I auditioned the 5 and 6se along with the VAC Master. I preferred the voicing of the VAC.
I now have the VAC Sig MkIIa se. . . .

The VAC in my system is more fleshed out and syncs better with the JA30s.

Why did you select a VAC preamp for your Jadis amplifiers over a Jadis preamp?

Why did you select a VAC preamp for your Jadis amplifiers over a Jadis preamp?
The linestage gain on the VAC is about 12 db vs 20 db for the JP80MC. I dont need/want that much linestage gain, it tends to add more tube rush. I also run a BAT Vk-655se to drive Vivid Giya G2 when Im not playing Quad 57s with the Jadis amps. The VAC has both SE or balanced outputs, balanced performs better into the BAT amp.
The linestage gain on the VAC is about 12 db vs 20 db for the JP80MC. I dont need/want that much linestage gain, it tends to add more tube rush. I also run a BAT Vk-655se to drive Vivid Giya G2 when Im not playing Quad 57s with the Jadis amps. The VAC has both SE or balanced outputs, balanced performs better into the BAT amp.
Thank you for the speedy reply!

I see the gain on the Jadis JPS2 is even higher, at 24dB.

In selecting the VAC line stage where you trying to remain consistent with the Jadis "house sound" or were you seeking something else?
Thank you for the speedy reply!

I see the gain on the Jadis JPS2 is even higher, at 24dB.

In selecting the VAC line stage where you trying to remain consistent with the Jadis "house sound" or were you seeking something else?
Its fair to say the VAC and Jadis have a lot more in common sonically than not, YMMV. Other preamps I used by ARC were good too, im a big fan Conrad Johnson but their linestages also have >20 db of gain.
Its fair to say the VAC and Jadis have a lot more in common sonically than not, YMMV. Other preamps I used by ARC were good too, im a big fan Conrad Johnson but their linestages also have >20 db of gain.
Thank you.

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