Ron has written that his goal is to help others understand what they like and why they like it. I asked him how he achieves that but did not get a response. Perhaps some reflection and introspection about how he helps others will help him.

This system thread is an open book and reveals Ron’s thought process. He shares videos and some opinions of others who have heard his system. he tells us that he is very happy with the way everything sounds. It is a subjective hobby with defined audiophile goals. Ron opinion is all that really matters.

The café is open, and I would like an almond croissant with decaf cappuccino.
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He will have to change gear, his current equipment is not well suited to play back my audition music, so there won’t be much point.

I know you like to audition with music like Scheherazade and Bach’s Chaconne. Why do you think Ron‘s system is not well suited to play these records? He has the Brinkmann turntable that you like.
I know you like to audition with music like Scheherazade and Bach’s Chaconne. Why do you think Ron‘s system is not well suited to play these records? He has the Brinkmann turntable that you like.

Whether he has Garrards, TD 124s, BB, or Vyger, or your AS, or Techdas etc will not change the issue.

He needs to have matched electronics and speakers. Separately I think his Zyx is quite good, I am not a Grado or a Reed fan but I don't think that is the issue either. It should sound decent with them if he sorts out electronics and speaker matches. But to audition effectively you need good listening points. How fields of gold or Soular energy sounds tells you how that LP will sound, it does not tell you how your assessment of the sound will extend to a broader range of LPs.

Your bicep curls will grow stronger if you increase your deadlift, increasing your bicep curls will do jack s**t to your deadlift.
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Ron has written that his goal is to help others understand what they like and why they like it. I asked him how he achieves that but did not get a response. Perhaps some reflection and introspection about how he helps others will help him.

This system thread is an open book and reveals Ron’s thought process. He shares videos and some opinions of others who have heard his system. he tells us that he is very happy with the way everything sounds. It is a subjective hobby with defined audiophile goals. Ron opinion is all that really matters.

The café is open, and I would like an almond croissant with decaf cappuccino.
All true. Except Ron is a dealer
The opinion of potential customers might matter.
Alas I am not one
Whether he has Garrards, TD 124s, BB, or Vyger, or your AS, or Techdas etc will not change the issue.

He needs to have matched electronics and speakers. Separately I think his Zyx is quite good, I am not a Grado or a Reed fan but I don't think that is the issue either. It should sound decent with them if sorts out electronics and speaker matches. But to audition effectively you need good listening points. How fields of gold or Soular energy sounds tells you how that LP will sound, it does not tell you how your assessment of the sound will extend to a broader range of LPs.

Your bicep curls will grow stronger if you increase your deadlift, increasing your bicep curls will do jack s**t to your deadlift.
Depends on how much you are cheating ! My legs, lower back and ass are always sore after a good cheat on biceps curls :rolleyes:
Perhaps one day, we will read comments from potential customers who have visited the Cafe.
Stop picking on Ron ! Ankle biters ! ;)
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The hardest job of all is not to be liked by everyone — that one’s easy. It’s an impossible task and only a miguided person would pursue it. It’s identifying and settling into your own taste.

It’s like a three star Michelin restaurant being liked by everyone. Just because you expect quality you can’t really expect to share the same vision and affinities about the food as the chef.
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Lighten-up. We critiqued a video. reported on the line and gave a favorable evaluation. Nothing about that video has changed my mind.
Ron has written that his goal is to help others understand what they like and why they like it. I asked him how he achieves that . . .
My personal sonic preferences do not matter. In a consultation session I will begin by asking you about your preferences: your musical genre preferences, your sonic preferences, your previous component preferences, what you are seeking from your audio system? I will want to understand why you are not achieving presently the satisfaction you seek from the reproduction of your favorite music.

Applying your goals and your preferences, I will help you build a system -- whether modest or "all-out assault" -- at whatever cost level you wish -- to achieve the most satisfaction possible from your favorite music.


The café is open, and I would like an almond croissant with decaf cappuccino.
We have that!
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New Components Update:

Innuos PhoenixUSB re-clocker is installed and under evaluation.

Air Tight Opus 1 Reference cartridge is inbound to Audio Café, with a layover at WAM Engineering for analysis, before continuing on to Beverly Hills to land on a Reed 5T.

Cardas Clear Beyond XL power cables have moved to the Jadis JA100 amplifiers.
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The hardest job of all is not to be liked by everyone — that one’s easy. It’s an impossible task and only a miguided person would pursue it. It’s identifying and settling into your own taste.

It’s like a three star Michelin restaurant being liked by everyone. Just because you expect quality you can’t really expect to share the same vision and affinities about the food as the chef.
Ironically, the food is likely to be less enjoyable at such a restaurant because it is chef ego focused rather than thinking about what the clientele might enjoy eating.

Could “3 star” hifi be the same…
My personal sonic preferences do not matter. In a consultation session I will begin by asking you about your preferences: your musical genre preferences, your sonic preferences, your previous component preferences, what you are seeking from your audio system? I will want to understand why you are not achieving presently the satisfaction you seek from the reproduction of your favorite music.

Applying your goals and your preferences, I will help you build a system -- whether modest or "all-out assault" -- at whatever cost level you wish -- to achieve the most satisfaction possible from your favorite music.


We have that!
You may think they do not matter but for sure your audio preferences will influence the recommendations forthcoming. Honestly, if you aren’t offering some kind of vision as an expert, why would they hire you as a consultant? It’s not the same as going to a psychologist and them getting you to heal yourself.
Please be advised that Audio Café also serves tea. However the priceless NOS Château Rouge Breakfast Blend No. 27 English Breakfast tea is reserved for VIPs.
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It’s not the same as going to a psychologist and them getting you to heal yourself.

Audiophiles need this too. Maybe Ron sensed an opportunity.

Problem is if he gets them to heal themselves, they might sell of all audio gear and find a new hobby.
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Audiophiles need this to. Maybe Ron sensed an opportunity.

Problem is if he gets them to heal themselves, they might sell of all audio gear and find a new hobby.
Collecting toy trains is starting to look good to me these days, prices have not skyrocketed yet and diminishing hearing abilities are not a factor. A safe hobby long into my 90's :eek:
Lagonda visits Ron's Audio Cafe to seek help.

Dr. Ron: Please sit on the center chair and lie back. Tell me, what can I play for you.

Lagonda: Pink Freud.
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Session continues:

Dr. Ron shows Lagonda the Jadis, and says - what do you think of when you see this?

Lagonda: S*x

Ron shows the clarisys: What do you think of when you see this?

lagonda: S*x

Ron: And when you see the gryphon bass towers?

lagonda: S*x

Ron: Your time is up

Marc visits Ron. Replace s*x by Zus, same story.

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  • What’s Best Forum is THE forum for high end audio, product reviews, advice and sharing experiences on the best of everything else. This is THE place where audiophiles and audio companies discuss vintage, contemporary and new audio products, music servers, music streamers, computer audio, digital-to-analog converters, turntables, phono stages, cartridges, reel-to-reel tape machines, speakers, headphones and tube and solid-state amplification. Founded in 2010 What’s Best Forum invites intelligent and courteous people of all interests and backgrounds to describe and discuss the best of everything. From beginners to life-long hobbyists to industry professionals, we enjoy learning about new things and meeting new people, and participating in spirited debates.

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