Kassandra II Ref E280F options

Yes the above are drop in, you just readjust the bias and you are set.

The 810 are not improvement nor downgrading. It is sidestep. In some aspects the E280F has the edge , in some other aspects the E810F is better , what
you prefer is a matter of taste and system.

Imagine the E810F as more dense/full bottom E280F , also has different bass presentation as well.

Does the same hold true for Protos and/or Incito?
maybe I am mistaken, but I thought all E280Fs were made by Siemens. Any other "brand" is just rebranded Siemens.

I believe that the vast majority of Valvo branded E280F’s were manufactured at the Philips plant In Hamburg Brad .
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Ok, I always got Siemens from you and thought that was all there is…assume then that you consider the Siemens to be the best sounding?
It is not that straight forward.
From our internal grading system, (from 1-10)
Siemens get 1-10
Mullard 2-8
Tele 2-8
Phillips 2-7
Valvo 1-8
Various rebrands 1-4

So you see there is huge overlap. You cannot generalize about brands. You can get Siemens ranging from 1 to 10.

To clarify, even a grade 1 is still fantastically sounding tube, but, there are grades above that:)

Dates and factories(Siemens had more than one) play significant factor.

It is not that straight forward.
From our internal grading system, (from 1-10)
Siemens get 1-10
Mullard 2-8
Tele 2-8
Phillips 2-7
Valvo 1-8
Various rebrands 1-4

So you see there is huge overlap. You cannot generalize about brands. You can get Siemens ranging from 1 to 10.

To clarify, even a grade 1 is still fantastically sounding tube, but, there are grades above that:)

Dates and factories(Siemens had more than one) play significant factor.

Thank you for the information. Could you expand on what the ratings mean? How do you identify the rating on the tube and what grade are in your products. I have a Kassandra II Reference and know what tube came with it but I don't recall any ratings on the box or tube.
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Curious about this family of E280F, E810F, etc. tubes and hope a knowledgeable member could give me a little background. Are these tubes used by any other audio amp builders you are aware of? Additionally, would the Exx0F tube family be sought after by ham radio operators or guitar amp makers? Aside from Aries Cerat owners, I’m just wondering who else would be buying or selling these tubes. Thanks.
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Curious about this family of E280F, E810F, etc. tubes and hope a knowledgeable member could give me a little background. Are these tubes used by any other audio amp builders you are aware of? Additionally, would the Exx0F tube family be sought after by ham radio operators or guitar amp makers? Aside from Aries Cerat owners, I’m just wondering who else would be buying or selling these tubes. Thanks.
I only know , allnic audio,thomas mayer, silvercore audio use e 280f/D3a /el862 tube mostly phono gain stage.i dont know any guitar amps or other buyable devices.
Here this are siemens tubes from early 1970
Here write a email for price
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It is not that straight forward.
From our internal grading system, (from 1-10)
Siemens get 1-10
Mullard 2-8
Tele 2-8
Phillips 2-7
Valvo 1-8
Various rebrands 1-4

So you see there is huge overlap. You cannot generalize about brands. You can get Siemens ranging from 1 to 10.

To clarify, even a grade 1 is still fantastically sounding tube, but, there are grades above that:)

Dates and factories(Siemens had more than one) play significant factor.

Can you please elaborate more information on your grading scale? I don't understand what it means. thank you.
I only know , allnic audio,thomas mayer, silvercore audio use e 280f/D3a /el862 tube mostly phono gain stage.i dont know any guitar amps or other buyable devices.
Here this are siemens tubes from early 1970
Here write a email for price
Thank you for sharing the information and the helpful links! I’m going to look into these 2 sources.
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I believe that the vast majority of Valvo branded E280F’s were manufactured at the Philips plant In Hamburg Brad .
The Red Series only Hamburg,Valvo
other white labeled valo mostly by philips ,heerlen netherlands thats what i know.images (2).jpeg
Blue series are too rare to find .top quality line over 10000hrs gurantee with p factor 1%
Exsample tubeRöhre 6201 #2282 Bild 1.jpg
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Can you please elaborate more information on your grading scale? I don't understand what it means. thank you.
Hello Will
It is general SQ grading system, we use internally in the company. The take-home point i wanted to give with the example, is to not over-obsess with Brands of the particular family of tubes, as there is a great overlap , in other words, a Siemens can sound better than a Mullard, and the other way around.

Just use your ears for evaluating , when tube rolling brands, and keep what you like. After playing with bias that is (many will have different bias sweet spot than the next one).


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