Try to make it work again Studer B62

You keep calling it "tube tape pre", but from what I know it is mostly solid state, with perhaps one output tube in a cathode follower configuration - any chance you could verify that?

Eternal Arts.jpg
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You keep calling it "tube tape pre", but from what I know it is mostly solid state, with perhaps one output tube in a cathode follower configuration - any chance you could verify that?
I said its a tube tape stage.
Afaik there is no gain involved

You probaby know much more about it then i do .
I see a couple of tubes light up when i switch it on, thats it lol.
I liked his workshop and the work he did on the machines , i might even have bought it without listening
I can ask him when i pick the B 62 up.

Or i ll take a picture of the brochure.
Can it be its some sort of buffer ?
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I read their material on the site, it is not directly stated, but I believe it is as I said, it is a solid state circuit with a cathode follower at the output.

And yes, a cathode follower is a buffer.
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Picked it up again from eternal arts .
I had to work in denmark so i stopped on the way back in Hannover
Apart from the blown cap , 2 xlr connectors were changed .
Next thing that might need replacement is the capstan roller , it still works fine .
But that i can do easily myself
For the rest perfect machine .
Incl original case.

I have got 2 B62 s 1 with VU meters and a Telefunken M15A .
Incl original telefunken roller case
Completely restored in tip top shape .


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