How International Is Your System?

USA: Speakers, most of my amps
China: DACs, two amps
Japan: Prepro
Multi: PC
Speakers - Germany
Tape Recorders, USA, Japan
Tape Preamp-USA
Preamp - USA
Amp - USA
Phono Pre -USA
Power System-USA

After tallying mine up, it surpised me. It is about 75% USA. 10% Portuguese, 15% Chinese. Not bad.
I'm curious if gear manufactured outside of one's country has a certain allure. I believe it does, but that doesn't mean folks buy stuff for that reason only.

And I wonder if audiophile's believe there is a particular sound signature for different nations (for example, in the past I had read about British speaker's warm sound).
Amplifier, DAC - Denmark
Turntable, tonearms, ethernet filter - UK
Cartridges - USA and Japan
Phono, Server, Power, Cables, Speakers - USA
Amplifier: USA
Preamp: USA
Integrated Amp: USA
Tuners: USA & Canada
Receivers: Switzerland & Germany
Turntable/Tonearm/Power Supply: UK
Phono Pickup: Japan
Phono Stage: UK
Open Reel Tape Deck: Germany
Headphones(tubed & solid state): Japan
Interconnects & Speaker Cables: UK
Audio Stands: UK
Speakers (USA)
Amp & DAC & cd transport (UK)
Turntable (Slovenia)
Tonearm (Germany)
Cartridge (Japan) (USA)
Cables (Denmark)
Speakers (USA)
Integrated Amp (Swiss)
DAC (France and USA)
CD player (France)
SACD Transport (USA)
Turntable (Swiss)
Tonearm (Germany)
Cartridge (Japan)
Phono Amp (Japan and USA)
Cables (USA)
Equipment rack (Germany)
Subwoofers (USA)
Last edited:
SPEAKERS: USA design and build, but drivers are German. Not sure about crossovers and wires.
Turntable, motor control, arm: USA
Cartridges: Japan, Germany
Phono stage: USA
Preamp: France with modification in the US
Amp: USA
Subs: British
Cables: Norway, Japan, South Korea, USA, Spain
Isolation: USA, Britain, Japan
Rack: USA
Tubes: Germany, Russia
Record clamps: Japan, U.K.
Fuses: Hong Kong
Room treatments: USA, Japan
Albums, cds: all over
Amps and preamps - US and Japan.
Phonostages - China and Japan.
Turntables and phono cartridges - Japan.
CD Transport - US design, Chinese built.
NOS DAC and triple filter linear power supply - China.
Headphone amp - Chinese design, US built.
Studio grade equalizer - US.
Speakers - US, headphones - Japan.
Cables and speaker wire - China, Japan and US.
Power filter - US design?, Chinese built.

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  • What’s Best Forum is THE forum for high end audio, product reviews, advice and sharing experiences on the best of everything else. This is THE place where audiophiles and audio companies discuss vintage, contemporary and new audio products, music servers, music streamers, computer audio, digital-to-analog converters, turntables, phono stages, cartridges, reel-to-reel tape machines, speakers, headphones and tube and solid-state amplification. Founded in 2010 What’s Best Forum invites intelligent and courteous people of all interests and backgrounds to describe and discuss the best of everything. From beginners to life-long hobbyists to industry professionals, we enjoy learning about new things and meeting new people, and participating in spirited debates.

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