New Atlas Lambda

Hi. I've settled on 1.74gms. I feel the image and tonal balance are best in my set-up at 1.74.
Interesting because before the Lambda, the range was 1.65 to 1.75 with the recommended weight being 1.72.

So I have just gone with 1.72.

Now I see the range is 1.65 to 1.72 which suggests a lighter VTF than the non-Lambda.
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I have ordered a Atlas Lambda and I am now in month 5 of waiting for it. Times are tough with the GFS and the Koestu Jade Platinum.

I am very curious what you think if the Atlas Lambda vs the GFS. (and your Jade Platinum). My GFS just keeps singing but I've read a few others trying others and moving.

I am very curious what you think if the Atlas Lambda vs the GFS. (and your Jade Platinum). My GFS just keeps singing but I've read a few others trying others and moving.
I will be very interested as well and will report here if it ever arrives. I can say that the original Atlas had more in common with GFS than otherwise. I had the the Etna SL here as well and it is a different presentation all together.

I am waiting 3mos for a vehicle as well, no chips for the ECUs . COVID has everyone spending , who would have predicted that?
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After almost 6mos to the day I ordered the Atlas Lambda replacement upgrade it arrived this week.

It may be some time before I install it as we get such a short span of good weather here I spend most of the summer outdoors. I will report back on Atlas vs Lambda vs GFS as soon as possible if there is an interest.

The Kuzma 4pt headshell system makes it easier to accomplish.

I also want to see what the Kondo wires on the arm do for the Atlas comparison as I had not played the original Atlas with my new 4 pt. More to come.
After almost 6mos to the day I ordered the Atlas Lambda replacement upgrade it arrived this week.

It may be some time before I install it as we get such a short span of good weather here I spend most of the summer outdoors. I will report back on Atlas vs Lambda vs GFS as soon as possible if there is an interest.

The Kuzma 4pt headshell system makes it easier to accomplish.

I also want to see what the Kondo wires on the arm do for the Atlas comparison as I had not played the original Atlas with my new 4 pt. More to come.
Do you have any updates regarding the Atlas Lambda and specifically how it compares to your previous Etna? Thanks.
Hi , I never got the chance to try the Lambda in my own system- I arranged to get an new Etsuro Gold with it in a trade before ever mounting it.

I am enjoying the Etsuro though. I can tell you though that the standard Atlas against the Etna SL were very different in my view.

Etna SL had delicacy and and nuance almost polite- Atlas just brought my system alive. In the end, I opted out of the Etna SL and kept the Atlas--- then traded up to the Atlas Lambda that never was.

I have a friend that uses my Etna SL ( sold to him with less than 50 hrs) with an ARC 6SE and REF Phono 3 SE - he's very happy.
Hi , I never got the chance to try the Lambda in my own system- I arranged to get an new Etsuro Gold with it in a trade before ever mounting it.

I am enjoying the Etsuro though. I can tell you though that the standard Atlas against the Etna SL were very different in my view.

Etna SL had delicacy and and nuance almost polite- Atlas just brought my system alive. In the end, I opted out of the Etna SL and kept the Atlas--- then traded up to the Atlas Lambda that never was.

I have a friend that uses my Etna SL ( sold to him with less than 50 hrs) with an ARC 6SE and REF Phono 3 SE - he's very happy.
Thanks for the update. I've also been very happy with my Etna SL using the same electronics as your friend but looking to upgrade to the Lambda version. Having a very "live" room, the Etna may be a better fit.
Ortofon SPU Royal GM on a SME 3102-R tonearm.
Then decided to have old meets new - Lyra Atlas Lambda SL on the SME 3012-R
@bonzo75 Hey Ked, took a while but the Atlas is finally on the SME :p





How are you liking it?
you know lyra like transfer the energy fast away from cartridge.try old fr headshells if you have them, lyra sounds much cleaner, for example voices get more color and sound more natural. the system body needs full contact with the headshell, just a tip from me. have fun listening to music with the two great pickups. please don't take this as criticism. Exsample20210215_173520.jpg
+1 for more solid and stiffer headshell, there are so many new excellent headshells, some in titanium (Yamamoto, TechDas, etc), some with nice adjustability like the Acoustical systems Arche, etc.
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you know lyra like transfer the energy fast away from cartridge.try old fr headshells if you have them, lyra sounds much cleaner, for example voices get more color and sound more natural. the system body needs full contact with the headshell, just a tip from me. have fun listening to music with the two great pickups. please don't take this as criticism. ExsampleView attachment 133928

Hi Dasg

I have read for over 10 years the resident SME expert recommending that the standard SME headshell is the best synergistic match to the 3102-R arm, regardless of cartridge.

I had to put the Atlas on the SME headshell just to try for myself. I do have a Phase Tech headshell that I can use later for the Atlas if I feel the need.

So far it the combo sounds excellent.

Sounds excellent so far.
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How are you liking it?

Sounding good Ked. I set the cart up with the stylus guard, then realised I couldn't get te guard off due to the round lips of the SME headshell - DOH

It's a different musical presentation - seems more driven from the bass upwards whereas the Thales is more neutral. I have been using Thales/Atlas for 10 years, so need to realign my listening bias over a week or so.
One ting is for sure, unlike the SPU, I have no desire to take the cartridge off the arm.
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Sounding good Ked. I set the cart up with the stylus guard, then realised I couldn't get te guard off due to the round lips of the SME headshell - DOH

It's a different musical presentation - seems more driven from the bass upwards whereas the Thales is more neutral. I have been using Thales/Atlas for 10 years, so need to realign my listening bias over a week or so.
One ting is for sure, unlike the SPU, I have no desire to take the cartridge off the arm.
I don’t like Thales simplicity but the statement seems a different animal It has much more weight than simplicity.
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I don’t like Thales simplicity but the statement seems a different animal It has much more weight than simplicity.

Like anything, its a balance
The Simplicity is not a bass heavy tonearm. Has bass, just zero fat. Very clean sounding tonearm right across the record.
Yes, the Statement does have weightier bass, but I couldn't justify the doubling of price as the additional bass weight was about the only difference in the sound.
Like anything, its a balance
The Simplicity is not a bass heavy tonearm. Has bass, just zero fat. Very clean sounding tonearm right across the record.
Yes, the Statement does have weightier bass, but I couldn't justify the doubling of price as the additional bass weight was about the only difference in the sound.

Price in audio can never be justified. Just don’t think of your daughters and their future while surfing hifi shark. Also try FR 64s which was J carr’s arm for Lyra before he moved to SAT Aga isis barely 2k
Hi Dasg

I have read for over 10 years the resident SME expert recommending that the standard SME headshell is the best synergistic match to the 3102-R arm, regardless of cartridge.

I had to put the Atlas on the SME headshell just to try for myself. I do have a Phase Tech headshell that I can use later for the Atlas if I feel the need.

So far it the combo sounds excellent.

Sounds excellent so far.
OK, the main thing is that you are happy.
I can say that a stable headshell do two things that Lyras love.
1. Energy transfer.
2. you increase the dynamic mass of the tonearm they love heavier tonearms.
I once had five lyras, now three clavis dc, helikon sl and( titan i )all love that.
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No need to specially point out the FR-64S, as it is just one among dozens of tonearm models that I / Lyra have used over the decades.
Ok, I saw that you were using it at one point, I had no idea there were others. And then I saw SAT.

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