High end DACs with built in streamers

Ian B

Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Is there any sonic benefit (or drawback) from using a single box DAC with a built-in streamer card, vs a separate streamer connected via USB, I2S, or optical?

It seems like the issue of jitter might be lower with a built-in streamer, but noise within the DAC would be potentially higher. On the other hand, one fewer power supply in the system, and a couple less power and digital cables could be of benefit.

I've only heard DCS DACs with this functionality and I'm not really a fan of that sound, so curious.
I have Melco N100 streamer with LPS and Weiss DAC501 4ch(has UPNP and RoonReady streamer built-in).
Melco's Tidal sound is OK using UPNP OpenHome protocole and not so good with UPNP/DLNA and Roon.
Weiss Roon streamer simply crushes Melco in any mode. Excellent sound quality with Tidal-especially if
you use Weiss DSP tastefuly...
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I'm also looking at the option of DACs with built in Streaming capabilities, however in my case the ability to play physical RBCD is also a factor.

The 2 options I'm considering are the new Wadax Studio Player and the Tidal Audio Contros, for me the Studio Player with it's built in CD/SACD drive looks very promising and I hope to demo it within the next couple of weeks.

My personal view is that single box solutions have come a long way, additional cabling between components may be as detrimental to sound quality as having the DAC and Streamer, or DAC and CD drive in one box. You pays your money, you takes your choice, of course after listening to the various options. :)
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I'm also looking at the option of DACs with built in Streaming capabilities, however in my case the ability to play physical RBCD is also a factor.

The 2 options I'm considering are the new Wadax Studio Player and the Tidal Audio Contros, for me the Studio Player with it's built in CD/SACD drive looks very promising and I hope to demo it within the next couple of weeks.

My personal view is that single box solutions have come a long way, additional cabling between components may be as detrimental to sound quality as having the DAC and Streamer, or DAC and CD drive in one box. You pays your money, you takes your choice, of course after listening to the various options. :)
No doubt the WADAX would perform at a high level! The streamer/transport design reminds me of the Playback Designs MPT-8. It would be nice to have an optical drive in one! (so I don't have to rip all these SACDs)

Where I'm at is I use the EMM Labs NS1 with a USB SSD because it gives me optical isolation over the Optilink output. But a DAC with a network streamer/renderer would allow me to get rid of the NS1 and afford upgrading one of my Shunyata Sigma NR cables to Omega QR, which is a big step up. Also, I wouldn't be limited to DSD64 and 24/192, and I think other streamer designs probably have better clocking etc.

The question I'm asking myself is "How much is that optical connection worth?" I'd hate to take a step back in terms of noise going to ethernet, but would love to simplify my system and be able to connect straight to the Taiko Switch for network stuff.
There is no rule. It all depends on a design.

There are products out there that have the Ethernet input and still sound better via the USB ... provided the USB transport is good enough.

So I guess the only good anwer to your question is "it depends".
I’ve found that having optical either before the streamer (sonore) or after (playback designs) makes a huge difference. You want the network/ computer noise gone before the dac. When done well USB is an excellent connection.
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This also very much depends on your system and local network. I have EtherRegen (with Mutec clock) and have tried it with wired and optical Ethernet (with TP Link and Sonore optical to wired Ethernet converters and quality linear PSUs) and prefere wired Ethernet in my system.
Simaudio’s moon 790/890 are two dac/streamer/preamp that really deliver amazing performance at their price. Few have listened to these as they are getting out in the open market at the moment but I feel they are quite interesting propositions, build on good technologies and good understanding of what can be done by integrating many boxes into one.
I've been very happy with the built-in streamer on my Rossini Apex. I did get lower noise from adding a better ethernet cable and an Ansuz D2 switch. The sound is genuinely spectacular...full rich midrange and an effortless analog-like sound but with deep detail that isn't harsh in any way.

I also borrowed a USB to SPDIF converter for playing computer files so I will share some thoughts on that versus USB input on another thread.
I'll throw my hat into this discussion. T+A has one in their HV line. I have it in the showroom and it is very nice. Also, the Atoll ST300 is a steal given its dual mono, balanced design.

Very happy with the Esoteric N-01XD. Add a clock and it's just incredible. I don't see any need for an external server/streamer, although I do use Roon which requires a separate server. The N-01XD sounds fantastic with or without a server.

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