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  1. W

    Introducing the All-new Center Stage Ultra TT Feet for Turntables and Center Stage Ultra TD Feet for Tape Decks

    had to do some work on the turntable and so off the footers it came. when i first heard the CMS footers i thought they sounded very good immediately. this time my impression is refined by having been thru the experience a half dozen times. upon reinstalling them my impression is that they are...
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    'ShaknSpin' and 'ShaknSpin2' Turntable Analysers

    OK so all up what i found was that the ShaknSpin is just a very charismatic measuring tool that begs to be used. i haven't touched app since. the rpm app is good for speed more or less. terrible for W/F measurement. no longer need to centre a cardboard tube and then balance phone on it. the...
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    Kuzma SAFIR 9

    i changed platters the other day and anyway i ended up with the arm resting on the tonearm lift when it was playing. i adjusted to remove this after (days?) some time and was impressed by the sound change. i decided to remove the tonearm lift altogether. the sound is better i think. it...
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    'ShaknSpin' and 'ShaknSpin2' Turntable Analysers

    i will receive my new ShaknSpin 2 today and so I am in real danger of beating @djsina2 to the punch. i aim to provide an insight for members as to the RPM app and how the numbers compare with a dedicated device. in the RPM app i have been getting "w/f%" down to 0.10. the only issue is i have...
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    Introducing the All-new Center Stage Ultra TT Feet for Turntables and Center Stage Ultra TD Feet for Tape Decks

    :) one of the best things about them is how they look. and quite stable without attachment.
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    Introducing the All-new Center Stage Ultra TT Feet for Turntables and Center Stage Ultra TD Feet for Tape Decks

    now have CMS on all parts of vinyl chain. i had to readjust feet on turntable the other day. the lack lustre sound post adjustment was in full effect. certainly the only drag with these things. you move it you lose it. it is a subtle change and itself varies but i can tell you, three days...
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    'ShaknSpin' and 'ShaknSpin2' Turntable Analysers

    @djsina2 enquiring minds would love to know how you got on with a comparison of RPM app and the Shaknspin? :)
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    Turntable platters, mats, stabilisers comparison plus Headquarters Audio QVMatPro review

    it is fascinating to see a thesis for performance of these mats and stabilisers rather than just seeing piece meal review. i couldn't agree more that it depends on where you are in the journey. my early days garrard 401 made so much noise in motor that the vertere mat with its felt top and...
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    Introducing the All-new Center Stage Ultra TT Feet for Turntables and Center Stage Ultra TD Feet for Tape Decks

    i received 2 sets of LS2.25 for speakers. stuck them under my AN-E speakers which are on stands. so the LS2.25 are under the stands. didn't use a bolt. just placed them under. they are not even in best places for weight bearing as some screw heads interfered with placement. the footers...
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    SUT Shootout

    @Bling23 i used the Auditorium T2 with a Denon 103 cart and it was great and more budget. I've used AN MC carts (iO1 and iOGold) with S3, S4 and S9. I think the AN SUTs are amazing but of course they cost alot and are only any good with AN carts (I couldn't find other brand carts that had...
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    Kuzma SAFIR 9

    i experienced tremendous VTA sensitivity which then seemed to die off as the cable burnt in. one week i was adjusting vta all the time and then it just became a non-issue and i haven't but touched it once or twice in several weeks since.
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    Introducing the All-new Center Stage Ultra TT Feet for Turntables and Center Stage Ultra TD Feet for Tape Decks

    @Steve Williams I thought Joe's edict about other vibration management had a hierarchy as in: MOST wrong is combining two isolation/vibration management footers on ONE device (i presume) LESS wrong (but as per Steve Williams above) is having CMS on one device and something else on another...
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    Introducing the All-new Center Stage Ultra TT Feet for Turntables and Center Stage Ultra TD Feet for Tape Decks

    2m out of production. initial LS series now made and sold by speaker people. new LS series is better but only 0.8 equivalent released to date (LS 2.25) LS 2.25 is for speakers but can also be used under components go as early in the chain as you can. so 1. power distributor 2. source 3...
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    Introducing the All-new Center Stage Ultra TT Feet for Turntables and Center Stage Ultra TD Feet for Tape Decks

    CMS have previously indicated product revisions occur when major upgrades are possible. Does this mean the LS 2.25 is an upgrade over the LS0.8?
  15. W

    Introducing the All-new Center Stage Ultra TT Feet for Turntables and Center Stage Ultra TD Feet for Tape Decks

    hi could i get some clarity on what has happened to the LS range? I am finding press releases that indicate the full range of 0.8, 1.0 and 1.5 LS models was released mid 2023. But it has now been superseded by the LS 2.25? difficult to find out anything about this new one. All I know is the...
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    Kuzma SAFIR 9

    ah. i wonder if this relates to Fremer's comment which was that with the Safir he came to realise alot of music he thought had bass doesn't actually have bass. He repeated this thought many times. I think he was referring to the band the Loving Spoonful specifically. So following his...
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    Kuzma SAFIR 9

    when you say it is too much of a good thing does it sound hard? what is the aggravation i wonder.
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    Kuzma SAFIR 9

    @ationg how long have you had it? my Audio Note ioGold is thrilling on the Safir and it is quite detailed. The wire burnt in and then disappeared as far as I can tell. I am so pleased I was thinking on writing a post about just how good I am finding the Safir to be. I would have about 200...
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    Introducing the All-new Center Stage Ultra TT Feet for Turntables and Center Stage Ultra TD Feet for Tape Decks

    @Steve Williams if I could trouble you to confirm, that with your Taiko, the LS 2.25 simply sits there in the same way a TT might? not screwed in? i think the LS 2.25 look wonderful too. for my speakers, the stand is for the purpose of raising the speaker up to an appropriate height...
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    Introducing the All-new Center Stage Ultra TT Feet for Turntables and Center Stage Ultra TD Feet for Tape Decks

    @Steve Williams so you are using LS 2.25 for a component? i presume LS must screw in? is your preference based on this ability to install into threads or based on performance? also may i ask how i best implement cms footers with a speaker that sits on a stand (audio Note an-e). my rep...
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    Introducing the All-new Center Stage Ultra TT Feet for Turntables and Center Stage Ultra TD Feet for Tape Decks

    Just received 2 sets of TT and 2 of TC. Installed on powerstrip, turntable, RIAA and then Amplifier. Almost immediately it sounded quite different. It was wonderful first night, almost bizarre second night. Beautiful today. The greatest impact (when it is on song) is a sense of ease. Some...
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    Kuzma SAFIR 9

    it will be interesting to see how you get on with this different cable arrangement. i found the tonearm sound very changeable until the kondo wire settled down. then it felt like the wire slowly retreated from field leaving sound of cart only. no longer do i feel any need to adjust vta per...
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    Kuzma SAFIR 9

    i must admit to finding the WallyTools very intimidating. i would love to have such definitive information but i struggle to attach a cartridge. i got an expert to set my table up but due to experimenting with mats his vta settings went by wayside quite soon. also i note that i have seen the...
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    Kuzma SAFIR 9

    I am looking into the Wally Tools. Last night I had an electrifying listening session with my tonearm at the highest possible level (would need to install a ring to go higher). Everything sounded better and "Cabaret" was a non-stop thrill. Bass was shocking good and better integrated into...
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    Kuzma SAFIR 9

    hi @Bonesy Jonesy I had a read and it looks to me that the difference between static and dynamic vta is like 1-1.5 deg per 5 mm of adjustment (to approximate/generalise). i preface my comments by saying i am not experienced or skilled in these matters. i am ignorant. that said, to me it...
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    Kuzma SAFIR 9

    hi @Bonesy Jonesy perhaps you mention it and I have missed it, but what difference was there between static and dynamic VTA setting?
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    Kuzma SAFIR 9

    @Marcus Yes the Kuzma XL makes this incredibly easy. i noted in some literature that it even has the ability to simply be flicked between "thin", "medium" and "thick" record thickness settings. to do it on the fly would be something.
  28. W

    Kuzma SAFIR 9

    when looking for "a-ha", do we think moving 0.25 mm increments is about right? i have had some success with half turns of the Safir adjustment screw (0.25 mm) but surely there is some established wisdom in this regard?
  29. W

    Kuzma SAFIR 9

    right. @thekong you've just provided a starting point i did not have (top of cart parallel to surface). what i did have was the idea that the arm should be horizontal, or bottom of cartridge? i think the tonearm being flat is hard to perceive with a Safir since the tonearm is not a constant...

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  • What’s Best Forum is THE forum for high end audio, product reviews, advice and sharing experiences on the best of everything else. This is THE place where audiophiles and audio companies discuss vintage, contemporary and new audio products, music servers, music streamers, computer audio, digital-to-analog converters, turntables, phono stages, cartridges, reel-to-reel tape machines, speakers, headphones and tube and solid-state amplification. Founded in 2010 What’s Best Forum invites intelligent and courteous people of all interests and backgrounds to describe and discuss the best of everything. From beginners to life-long hobbyists to industry professionals, we enjoy learning about new things and meeting new people, and participating in spirited debates.

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