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  1. N

    Downsizing from dCS Vivaldi Stack? Is this dumb?

    I decided to stand pat with the Vivaldi stack. I flirted a bit with MSB but didn’t think I was truly gaining anything. Maybe a bit less analytical, but A/B comparisons in a system are basically impossible (at least for my untrained ears). I actually really like the Mola Mola Tambiqui, hearing...
  2. N

    Downsizing from dCS Vivaldi Stack? Is this dumb?

    I would say I’m 90% streaming via Qobuz & Tidal. Have a NAS w/locally stored files for more obscure shows.
  3. N

    Downsizing from dCS Vivaldi Stack? Is this dumb?

    no, it’s not upgraded to Apex. Rossini a definite possibility.
  4. N

    Downsizing from dCS Vivaldi Stack? Is this dumb?

    I think this is more along the lines of what I was thinking. Downsizing is probably a misnomer. I'm looking more for a simplification. I'll never be a minimalist, but I'm looking at these 3 dCS boxes thinking that maybe I could get similar with a one box solution.
  5. N

    Downsizing from dCS Vivaldi Stack? Is this dumb?

    good advice, this is the line of thinking I was afraid of/keen to hear!
  6. N

    Downsizing from dCS Vivaldi Stack? Is this dumb?

    understood, when I said “downsizing” I was more so referring to the number of components. The Boulder amps are indeed the size of a college refrigerator.
  7. N

    Downsizing from dCS Vivaldi Stack? Is this dumb?

    All fair points. The vinyl typical sound people will be excommunicated, their heads on spikes. I guess the basic question - is the Linn in the same realm as the dCS. i think that answer will be yes. @microstrip I'm looking for confirmation bias on a slow Monday afternoon at work...
  8. N

    Downsizing from dCS Vivaldi Stack? Is this dumb?

    Hi everyone, I'm contemplating downsizing...and updating my system (DCS boxes are big). I currently have the Vivaldi DAC, Upsampler and Clock. I'm looking at going to the new Linn Klimax DSM. Here's the rest of my system: Preamp: Boulder 2010 Amp: Boulder 2050 monoblocks Speakers...

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