Downsizing from dCS Vivaldi Stack? Is this dumb?

Hi everyone,

I'm contemplating downsizing...and updating my system (DCS boxes are big). I currently have the Vivaldi DAC, Upsampler and Clock. I'm looking at going to the new Linn Klimax DSM. Here's the rest of my system:

Preamp: Boulder 2010

Amp: Boulder 2050 monoblocks

Speakers: Magico Q5

Is this a big mistake that I'm going to regret?

All opinions and name-calling welcome!
If downsizing from the big Vivaldi rig, let me suggest something you might find unusual, because the price is far, far below that of the Vivaldi stack. The Mola Mola Tambaqui. At only $13,500 USD the price may seem illogical, but the performance is not. Truly one of the best DACs out there.
If downsizing from the big Vivaldi rig, let me suggest something you might find unusual, because the price is far, far below that of the Vivaldi stack. The Mola Mola Tambaqui. At only $13,500 USD the price may seem illogical, but the performance is not. Truly one of the best DACs out there.

Yes, it's excellent. If you can demo it at home, it's worth the effort.
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I had a full Vivaldi stack and wanted a less complex set up with fewer cables and less rack space. I traded it all for an MSB Select II DAC. As it turned out, I was also able to sell my pre-amp as the Select II had volume control. If simplicity without lesser sound quality is your goal, MSB would serve you well.


I think this is more along the lines of what I was thinking. Downsizing is probably a misnomer. I'm looking more for a simplification. I'll never be a minimalist, but I'm looking at these 3 dCS boxes thinking that maybe I could get similar with a one box solution.
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Not sure if you want to call it down sizing, I use right sizing. Now if I can get my wife to see it that way with us being empty nesters.

With no kids maybe you can knock down a couple of walls and make a giant listening room?
I think this is more along the lines of what I was thinking. Downsizing is probably a misnomer. I'm looking more for a simplification. I'll never be a minimalist, but I'm looking at these 3 dCS boxes thinking that maybe I could get similar with a one box solution.

In my experience simplification in this hobby usually means much more money for similar, but surely different, sound quality. Or simply an excuse for changing something in the system ... :)

BTW, although a full loom of digital cables (clock and AES/EBU) can be very expensive I found we can fine tune the Vivaldi changing these cables. They can make quite a difference.
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With no kids maybe you can knock down a couple of walls and make a giant listening room?
Would rather make the $$$$ with the housing market in Dallas. It is crazy here right now. My daughter is moving all her stuff out this weekend and I will have the second floor to play with. Yikes!
I would upgrade to Apex and then live with it. Personably if I had your problem I would keep it. DCS has a lot vested in Vivaldi. More updates to come is my guess.

Single box I would consider Playback Designs. Linn is on my shit list.
Bill at Gtt above obviously has a vested interest in his statement re: the Tambaqui......however he's heard the lot. My guess is he watches at times with mixed feelings clients buying large stacks with their eyes and wallets and not their ears or they blow off the Tambaqui because its not expensive enough. This is rampant in high end audio. The ones that buy with their ears very likely walk out with the Mola and a lot more change in their pocket.

Entirely possible too that Bill has never heard the Mola fed by a Grimm Mu1 via AES. In that setting the Mola is free to function as Dac only not as say a Roon endpoint at the same time. Allnic AES cable caps off that combo well.

A dealer I know well in Italy calls the set his 'Stack Killer'.

Bruno Putzeys will be mostly remembered for advancing decent quality mass produced class D modules. However the Tambaqui is his magnum opus.
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Whilst a fan of the MSB DACs - I suspect you may still end-up with multiple boxes (power bases). Their footprint is also not small - but less cable headache. Rossini Apex and clock could be another option. They can be stacked nicely (the clock is slimline) and some report that the APEX Rossini outperforms the non-APEX Vivaldi (YMMV). I will be comparing the former to my MSB DAC later next week with interest.
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Hi everyone,

I'm contemplating downsizing...and updating my system (DCS boxes are big). I currently have the Vivaldi DAC, Upsampler and Clock. I'm looking at going to the new Linn Klimax DSM. Here's the rest of my system:

Preamp: Boulder 2010

Amp: Boulder 2050 monoblocks

Speakers: Magico Q5

Is this a big mistake that I'm going to regret?

All opinions and name-calling welcome!
The Klimax is about to get a new power supply (Utopik)which makes a big difference to the sound, particularly dynamics. Have not heard the Vivaldy properly and the Apex version not at all and of course ultimately what you hear is system dependant. However, I would say the Linn is worth a listen. This is a good review of the old version, Hope you find the right solution for you.
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Is your Vivaldi updated to Apex? If so, you are going to miss a lot by any change. One thought is go to Rossini. If you have a Rossini Apex vs a Vivaldi non apex you maybe is pretty good shape. I'd still get the clock, it's 2 smaller boxes now.
Is your Vivaldi updated to Apex? If so, you are going to miss a lot by any change. One thought is go to Rossini. If you have a Rossini Apex vs a Vivaldi non apex you maybe is pretty good shape. I'd still get the clock, it's 2 smaller boxes now.

no, it’s not upgraded to Apex. Rossini a definite possibility.
Whilst a fan of the MSB DACs - I suspect you may still end-up with multiple boxes (power bases). Their footprint is also not small - but less cable headache. Rossini Apex and clock could be another option. They can be stacked nicely (the clock is slimline) and some report that the APEX Rossini outperforms the non-APEX Vivaldi (YMMV). I will be comparing the former to my MSB DAC later next week with interest.
Interested to hear this comparison
no, it’s not upgraded to Apex. Rossini a definite possibility.

Sorry, I can't understand. Why downgrading when you already have the Vivaldi?

If you realty need the 17 cm space height, sell just the upsampler, keeping the clock and the DAC - although I have the upsampler and preferring the sound with it, when streaming from the Taiko using USB it is not mandatory.
Sorry, I can't understand. Why downgrading when you already have the Vivaldi?

If you realty need the 17 cm space height, sell just the upsampler, keeping the clock and the DAC - although I have the upsampler and preferring the sound with it, when streaming from the Taiko using USB it is not mandatory.
Hi, I think a good argument can be made for the Rossini Apex, keep the Vivaldi clock. You’re down a box, and I suspect you’ll be much happier than moving to another brand. Gets you some downgrade without killing the sound we dCS lovers love.
The DCS Lina or the Lina and clock would keep you with the DCS sound, but at a much lower cost and footprint.
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My 2 cents, since you mentioned any option will be considered. Not sure how much of your current gears you want to change or down size, but this is worth considering. My choice will be to go with Aries Cerat Kassandra reference or signature DAC with Ianus aperio integrated: If need separates and have means to spend, then Ianus Ageto pre-amp with Ianus essentia amps. If you haven't listened to Aries Cerat, please audition them if possible, as they are expensive.
Bill at Gtt above obviously has a vested interest in his statement re: the Tambaqui......however he's heard the lot. My guess is he watches at times with mixed feelings clients buying large stacks with their eyes and wallets and not their ears or they blow off the Tambaqui because its not expensive enough. This is rampant in high end audio. The ones that buy with their ears very likely walk out with the Mola and a lot more change in their pocket.

Entirely possible too that Bill has never heard the Mola fed by a Grimm Mu1 via AES. In that setting the Mola is free to function as Dac only not as say a Roon endpoint at the same time. Allnic AES cable caps off that combo well.

A dealer I know well in Italy calls the set his 'Stack Killer'.

Bruno Putzeys will be mostly remembered for advancing decent quality mass produced class D modules. However the Tambaqui is his magnum opus.
Bill and I (Dick) do certainly have a vested interest, but after hearing a lot of digital product over the years, the Tambaqui is what I refer to as a gift to the audio business. It's that good! And for a price that is a great deal lower than its performance would indicate. Thank you for your comment regarding folks that "buy with their ears" will walk out with the Tambaqui. I couldn't agree more!

As a matter of fact, not only have we heard the Grimm MU1 but recommend it as the best streaming device currently available to put in front of the Mola Mola Tambaqui DAC. I would echo your sentiments that this combo could very well be a "stack killer."
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