Downsizing from dCS Vivaldi Stack? Is this dumb?


New Member
Sep 11, 2023
Hi everyone,

I'm contemplating downsizing...and updating my system (DCS boxes are big). I currently have the Vivaldi DAC, Upsampler and Clock. I'm looking at going to the new Linn Klimax DSM. Here's the rest of my system:

Preamp: Boulder 2010

Amp: Boulder 2050 monoblocks

Speakers: Magico Q5

Is this a big mistake that I'm going to regret?

All opinions and name-calling welcome!
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Well, I do not have experience with your Boulders, own the dCS Vivaldi stack and have listened to the Linn Klimax only at shops.

You will find that some people here really love their Vivaldi's, others hate it. Asking for advice on such matter in such terms is an useless waste of time and space - I can easily predict the whole thread.

You have to decide by yourself - if you were my neighbor I would present you some local friends waiting eagerly for an used cheap Vivaldi - but since they listened to mine, they want it APEX!

BTW, can you please tell me what you will do with opinions of people that mostly prefer vinyl typical sound?
All fair points. The vinyl typical sound people will be excommunicated, their heads on spikes.

I guess the basic question - is the Linn in the same realm as the dCS. i think that answer will be yes.

@microstrip I'm looking for confirmation bias on a slow Monday afternoon at work :cool::cool::cool:
My system is very compact. But I didn’t buy it because it’s compact. I bought it because I like the sound. So if you prefer the Linn Kilimax sound over the Vivaldi stack, that’s all that matters.
But if you’re doing this to shrink the size of your system, that’s a bit weird because it’s not like Boulder products are small.
Hi everyone,

I'm contemplating downsizing...and updating my system (DCS boxes are big). I currently have the Vivaldi DAC, Upsampler and Clock. I'm looking at going to the new Linn Klimax DSM. Here's the rest of my system:

Preamp: Boulder 2010

Amp: Boulder 2050 monoblocks

Speakers: Magico Q5

Is this a big mistake that I'm going to regret?

All opinions and name-calling welcome!

In my opinion, I really think you will regret this move. The Vivaldi Apex is one of the finest sounding DACs out there. The DSM is no where near the level of Apex performance. I would keep it even if it is larger than you would ideally like.
My system is very compact. But I didn’t buy it because it’s compact. I bought it because I like the sound. So if you prefer the Linn Kilimax sound over the Vivaldi stack, that’s all that matters.
But if you’re doing this to shrink the size of your system, that’s a bit weird because it’s not like Boulder products are small.
understood, when I said “downsizing” I was more so referring to the number of components. The Boulder amps are indeed the size of a college refrigerator.
In my opinion, I really think you will regret this move. The Vivaldi Apex is one of the finest sounding DACs out there. The DSM is no where near the level of Apex performance. I would keep it even if it is larger than you would ideally like.

good advice, this is the line of thinking I was afraid of/keen to hear!
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I had a full Vivaldi stack and wanted a less complex set up with fewer cables and less rack space. I traded it all for an MSB Select II DAC. As it turned out, I was also able to sell my pre-amp as the Select II had volume control. If simplicity without lesser sound quality is your goal, MSB would serve you well.

good advice, this is the line of thinking I was afraid of/keen to hear!
I can second the point about the Linn (having heard it a few times at shows, shops & once at a home).

Physical downsize: why not consider this eos set DAC & reclocker? I saw them in Munich and heard the set later at a studio and was very impressed by the sound.
Modest size, dac + reclocker stack probably take up less space than one of your current DCS...
Here is what I would do if you were really serious about small footprint and way less cost even if that is not an objective. Would not shock me if you felt it was on par mostly due to the last rec.....Plenty of multi 100k systems in Europe running the tiny Icon preamp if the source components are top of class.

Grimm Mu1
Mola Tambaqui via AES from the Grimm
Icon 4 Pro SE Slagle autoformer fully balanced Pre

Keep your reference amp / speaker combo as it's all about how those two get along and I am sure that is a fabulous pairing.

Season with cabling. The Grimm / Mola combo is a reference just as your vivaldi stack is. Many a conversation with Eelco Grimm on that particular combo and its that pairing that is special. No doubt.


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BTW I run a Technis 1200GAE with a Korf SF9R arm, giant killer arm deck combo, just like the above mentioned combo.......
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Hi everyone,

I'm contemplating downsizing...and updating my system (DCS boxes are big). I currently have the Vivaldi DAC, Upsampler and Clock. I'm looking at going to the new Linn Klimax DSM. Here's the rest of my system:

Preamp: Boulder 2010

Amp: Boulder 2050 monoblocks

Speakers: Magico Q5

Is this a big mistake that I'm going to regret?

All opinions and name-calling welcome!
Not sure where you are headed with this. I assume you currently have the space as everything you already have is rather large. In my view the only reasons to change are: 1. The other component clearly sounds better or 2. you want to down size and simplify the whole system. or 3. you can sell of the DCS gear and buy another component that sounds as good and recover some of your bank account. You stated the DCS boxes are big. Are they in the way of something?
THe CH C1.2 is a one box simple , small high quality solution that IMO sounds great.It can be used straight into an amp as well if that is what you are trying to do . The new unit is a huge upgrade from the past and if one wants they have a lot of options to suit yoiour needs,klike a streaming board, clock and one of the best transports on the planet.
Its also not crazy priced.
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Not sure if you want to call it down sizing, I use right sizing. Now if I can get my wife to see it that way with us being empty nesters.
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How about Vivaldi One Apex?

It will always be a downgrade - the strong selling point of the Vivaldi One was the CD/SACD transport. And you have to add (or in this case, keep) the external clock to get the best of it.

netteb16 will hate my advice, but IMO he should get another large box - the Taiko Extreme server and forget about digital sources! I found that in case we want to use just the Vivaldi upsampler to do streaming adding something like a Nordost Qnet with a Qsource will also improve the sound quality.
It will always be a downgrade - the strong selling point of the Vivaldi One was the CD/SACD transport. And you have to add (or in this case, keep) the external clock to get the best of it.

netteb16 will hate my advice, but IMO he should get another large box - the Taiko Extreme server and forget about digital sources! I found that in case we want to use just the Vivaldi upsampler to do streaming adding something like a Nordost Qnet with a Qsource will also improve the sound quality.

The Asnuz PowerSwitches (ethernet switch) also work very well with dCS gear.
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Well, I do not have experience with your Boulders, own the dCS Vivaldi stack and have listened to the Linn Klimax only at shops.

You will find that some people here really love their Vivaldi's, others hate it. Asking for advice on such matter in such terms is an useless waste of time and space - I can easily predict the whole thread.

You have to decide by yourself - if you were my neighbor I would present you some local friends waiting eagerly for an used cheap Vivaldi - but since they listened to mine, they want it APEX!

BTW, can you please tell me what you will do with opinions of people that mostly prefer vinyl typical sound?
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Hi everyone,

I'm contemplating downsizing...and updating my system (DCS boxes are big). I currently have the Vivaldi DAC, Upsampler and Clock. I'm looking at going to the new Linn Klimax DSM. Here's the rest of my system:

Preamp: Boulder 2010

Amp: Boulder 2050 monoblocks

Speakers: Magico Q5

Is this a big mistake that I'm going to regret?

All opinions and name-calling welcome!
Yes i d say down size .
You dont need to spend enourmous amounts to get nice digital replay .
I d put the money in different / better speakers

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