I'm the MAN!! We've hit the jackpot, that was the Status Quo album I've mentioned here many times, I use it as a quick giveaway as to where a system's at and, as you also indicated, the setup in Bathurst did a pretty poor job of it. Which meant that I basically gave up on really assessing the gear there from then on, because it had too many obvious problems. To put it into context, the friend's setup with Naim 50 watt amp is starting to do a pretty reasonable effort now ...I DO recall john telling me about some guy (dunno if it was you, but some clues are there) who auditioned some speakers using an atrocious Status Quo album..was that you frank?
But, if it was you, then you could not have met me eh. As I was not there when some guy auditioned speakers using an atrocious status quo album....
Your current setup should do very nicely, a full active, with plenty of meat: you're well ahead of the game compared to a lot of people. Meaning you don't have to worry about sound as most do, all the amps in your system are just dawdling along.