it was a fun visit, thanks! It's always cool when folks come over that share my musical taste, so I can queue up some goodies

That Genesis is also embedded in my memory, and, as you could hear, playing it through the MSB DACs was revelatory. A lot of the studio trickery (Brian Eno consulted on the recording of that album) becomes clearly evident, way clearer than before! All without a trace of harshness, even through the much maligned new remixes.
The Aqua is a splendid DAC, that does a lot of things right. That's why it has a place here

It shares the same basic architecture as the MSB (ladder DACs), but Aqua made a few different choices, mostly on the analog output side, which gives it a very warm, robust sound, that's quite appealing as well.
The Reference was the bare stock, with Renderer module (no USB) and $6000 upgraded output module. It was going direct into the D'Agostino Momentum M400, then on to the Sonja XVs.
Roon Core duties were being handled by the Innuos Statement, and wiring was all Kubala-Sosna indeed.
Thanks for the visit and the write-up!