Recently my absolare inti. came back to me.
3rd July, my son spreaded water to my amp. When I turn it on I could hear noisy.
That day I sent it to my korean dealer.
After a week they said it works well even there was some oil overflow from capacitors.
I requested to send it with my telefucken tubes to absolare in US, I thought just replacing capacotors.
After absolare checked it, they said there were some crossion at 30% of pre part and 70% of power amplifier part, even power block and others were ok. The repairing cost was too high, they suggested me to upgrade from passion to signiture.
I was much surprised. If their validation was true, their suggestion is reasonable.
But it overed my budget. Because I had exected just replacing caps.
I'm an engineer also, I couldn't believe the water made the corrosion, theoretically possible, but not happen in real.
I asked several things and requested to discount.
Then Absolare suddenly cut of direct connection with me, I had to talk to them through their dealer.
I requested the detail of corrosion and pictures, but finally I couldn't get it.
After some months, I got the money to upgrade and sent it.
I could get signature inti at the end of Oct.
But I could hear noise at R-channel and some volume control trouble.
I asked it to my dealer they asked it to absolare, they said to check my tube eventhough they already confirmed the tube was ok.
After several trials with my tube and original rt-tube, all failed. So I re-sent it to my korean dealer.
They checked it by themselves and foun dout the volume has failed. then replaced it.
When they check it, one guy heard some strange noise at R-channel after 2-days burning.
They rechecked it again, but couldn't find out any reason. the aging 1-week, it was ok.
It returned to me in Dec.
At the same time absolare sent me tubes one of Ten's 12bh7 and one of NEC's channel master.
with a comment that has very special SQ and apply it each input(left) and output(right).
Input & output? why not Left & Right? Is it possible to use different tubes for L & R ?
I was so confused and asked it. But Absolare does not answered anything.
Any I applied it as their comment, Its SQ was really better than their original RT tubes.
Similar nuance but much more clear, focusing, dynamic and musical. But it has a white noise at R-channel.
Untill now all problem was happend at R-chnnel, I was restless.
After some weeks, from mid of Jan, after burning, the white noise was gone, and it works well without any of strange symptom.
I'm not sure how signature is better than passion, because there were so many issues for 6~7 months.
Anyway, now, every thing is OK.
I think absolare is enough good as a inti-amplifier. And they worked well officialy. But not well humanly.
Accident would be happened to anyone. Man is easy to get angry, sad, .... in front of so accident.
In this article, I hope to apologyze to Absolare if I was too nervous and rude.
But If they had tried to understand me more and did not ignore small korean, it would be better.