Absolare Integrated

The Absolare Integrated Signature has been in my system for a few days now, so 5 or 6 days now.

It sounded pretty good straight out of its big crate but just in the last day or so things have really gone up a notch or two. :)

I'm using a humble Exogal Comet + Macbook AIR combo connected via AQ Carbon USB... so really nothing special here. The Exogal is connected to the Absolare with some entry level Shunyata Venom RCAs.

I am using an Echole Omnia to power the Absolare though ;)

I have to agree with some of the other comments on here. The overall sound I am getting is incredibly natural with a huge soundstage and gorgeous midrange. There is plenty of power, initially I was a bit worried about the 90Hz 2ohm dip of the Sasha 2s, and also owning a Devialet I know how much my Sashas love the power (for e.g. recently going from 900 to 1kW with my Original d'Atelier). Although I didn't at first feel as though I had the same bottom end grip and speed of the Devialet this seems to have changed in the last day or so. According to Kerem (Absolare) at around 300 hours the capacitors should be starting to come on song and then there is of course the bedding of the Omnia power cable. This am I really noticing the improved dynamic range of the music and it definitely seems faster, certainly approaching the speed of the Devialet O d'A.

The Exogal is a stop gap but I can't tell you how impressed I am with this little DAC, a true giant slayer! I played some 2 x DSD yesterday (Jazz in the Pawnshop part 2) and I had never heard anything quite like it. It might not have the imaging detail and soundstage depth of the Metronome C8+ (my current reference, I ran it for a couple of months last year with a Constellation Audio rig) but boy is it an enjoyable DAC! Lovely tonal texture and very musical. I have even heard of people preferring it to some of the über DACs out there! There is little to fault.

I have a Totaldac d1-six on the way with my upgraded d1 server which should make for some interesting comparisons! :)

Guillaume ... Good to hear that you are getting on well with the Absolare . So , does it nudge the Devialet to assume pole position ?
Guillaume ... Good to hear that you are getting on well with the Absolare . So , does it nudge the Devialet to assume pole position ?

Well as I'm sure you know they are very different creatures altogether. The Devialet 900 (Original d'Atelier) was a massive jump in performance from the 800 which I owned for a few years. It is an outstanding amp and probably somewhat underestimated in high end circles. Phenomenal grip and speed and very, very transparent. It would be interesting to put it up against a Soulution rig.

However the Absolare is doing something really quite magical. It's more nuanced and the midrange is clearly richer. It's more musical. The soundstage is glorious. It's still early days and I'm keen to try out a few other DACs with it but I can already see that I am going to be reaching new heights in terms of musical enjoyment. :) So yes, I think it's edging ahead. There are so many things I can optimise moving forward that I think it's going to be an interesting journey.

The Devialet converts DSD to PCM and therefore it is not in pole position when playing DSD. But it wins in convenience and flexibility and has a lovely table top remote (!). For instance I can't program a pass through/bypass with the Absolare. It is more of a 2 channel purist solution.


It seems that the 1000 series are a big step above the 900.
You could also try the Audiomat Maestro 3, which performs really better than a Totaldac Dual and at a lower price.
Thank you Guillaume for the updates. Much appreciated.

My only concern is will it be enough power to drive some hard to drive speakers.

Your findings are encouraging
Thank you Guillaume for the updates. Much appreciated.

My only concern is will it be enough power to drive some hard to drive speakers.

Your findings are encouraging

Well I gave it a pretty hard road test last night playing Danny Tenaglia's Futurism at ear splitting volumes, the Absolare gave as good as it was given. The Integrated kept its poise and gripped the lower registers with great fluidity and aplomb. Impressive stuff I have to say. :)

(...) However the Absolare is doing something really quite magical. It's more nuanced and the midrange is clearly richer. It's more musical. The soundstage is glorious. It's still early days and I'm keen to try out a few other DACs with it but I can already see that I am going to be reaching new heights in terms of musical enjoyment. :) So yes, I think it's edging ahead. There are so many things I can optimise moving forward that I think it's going to be an interesting journey. (...)

The virus was just hibernating ... Welcome back to the dark side!
The virus was just hibernating ... Welcome back to the dark side!

I have crossed over to the other side , pretty gratifying too .... At least for now :cool:
The virus was just hibernating ... Welcome back to the dark side!


I can report even more gains over the past 24-48 hours. Choral pieces are so incredibly holographic I am almost pinching myself. Although it's definitely in the midrange that this amp excels the lower registers are unbelievably well controlled and on a par with my Devialet. It really does feel like you can have your cake and eat it with the Absolare. An incredible all-rounder that delivers music with subtlety/delicacy and nuance and yet has incredible reserves of power and grip.

So I'm enjoying all types of music and more than ever. And I'm still streaming from a Macbook on the carpet floor whilst I wait for my (upgraded) d1 server to arrive. The humble Exogal doesn't fail to impress.

Oh... and I have ordered a wooden stand from Kerem, the same ones they use to demonstrate their equipment at shows. Made of 0.1 inch laminated Rosewood, cut in the perfect shape, with a Pallisander veneer and supplied with bronze spikes. Looks stunning in the pics. Once this arrives I promise I will post some pics! :)

as I'm from Germany where there is no dealer for Absolare in the Moment, i only had the chance to hear it at the high end in Munich this year. I was totally impressed there but hearing at such a big fare is never like hearing at home. I once owned the first version of the Devialet in Mono Version, but after a while the Sound seems to my ears to clean. No emotional feelings came up to me. After that i turned my listening experience to some Tube Amps, which gave me a much more musical experience. I like to know if you can stretch out a bit more the differences between the Devialet and the Absolare. I would be very sad by getting an 35K Amplifier, which can not drive me to tears. I'm hearing more the accoustical Jazz Pieces and great Jazz Voices and Deep Bass is absolut not in my focus. Natural and warm mid's with great Soundstage and perfect Detail rendering are on my focus. I'm using a DeVore 0/96 in the moment, which is a very efficent speaker, that needs only a few Watt's.

Thank's for your help and still some wonderful Time with this beautiful looking Amp.


i can report even more gains over the past 24-48 hours. Choral pieces are so incredibly holographic i am almost pinching myself. Although it's definitely in the midrange that this amp excels the lower registers are unbelievably well controlled and on a par with my devialet. It really does feel like you can have your cake and eat it with the absolare. An incredible all-rounder that delivers music with subtlety/delicacy and nuance and yet has incredible reserves of power and grip.

So i'm enjoying all types of music and more than ever. And i'm still streaming from a macbook on the carpet floor whilst i wait for my (upgraded) d1 server to arrive. The humble exogal doesn't fail to impress.

Oh... And i have ordered a wooden stand from kerem, the same ones they use to demonstrate their equipment at shows. Made of 0.1 inch laminated rosewood, cut in the perfect shape, with a pallisander veneer and supplied with bronze spikes. Looks stunning in the pics. Once this arrives i promise i will post some pics! :)


as I'm from Germany where there is no dealer for Absolare in the Moment, i only had the chance to hear it at the high end in Munich this year. I was totally impressed there but hearing at such a big fare is never like hearing at home. I once owned the first version of the Devialet in Mono Version, but after a while the Sound seems to my ears to clean. No emotional feelings came up to me. After that i turned my listening experience to some Tube Amps, which gave me a much more musical experience. I like to know if you can stretch out a bit more the differences between the Devialet and the Absolare. I would be very sad by getting an 35K Amplifier, which can not drive me to tears. I'm hearing more the accoustical Jazz Pieces and great Jazz Voices and Deep Bass is absolut not in my focus. Natural and warm mid's with great Soundstage and perfect Detail rendering are on my focus. I'm using a DeVore 0/96 in the moment, which is a very efficent speaker, that needs only a few Watt's.

Thank's for your help and still some wonderful Time with this beautiful looking Amp.


If it's a very efficient speaker, edgy don't you try a low watt valve, a very good integrated is new audio frontier. Berlin HiFi has some good options, since you are in Germany
as I'm from Germany where there is no dealer for Absolare in the Moment, i only had the chance to hear it at the high end in Munich this year. I was totally impressed there but hearing at such a big fare is never like hearing at home. I once owned the first version of the Devialet in Mono Version, but after a while the Sound seems to my ears to clean. No emotional feelings came up to me. After that i turned my listening experience to some Tube Amps, which gave me a much more musical experience. I like to know if you can stretch out a bit more the differences between the Devialet and the Absolare. I would be very sad by getting an 35K Amplifier, which can not drive me to tears. I'm hearing more the accoustical Jazz Pieces and great Jazz Voices and Deep Bass is absolut not in my focus. Natural and warm mid's with great Soundstage and perfect Detail rendering are on my focus. I'm using a DeVore 0/96 in the moment, which is a very efficent speaker, that needs only a few Watt's.

Thank's for your help and still some wonderful Time with this beautiful looking Amp.


Devialet and Absolare are two very different concepts. First of all, Devialet is an integrated system which is meant to be used as a true all in one solution. The Absolare is a puristic amplifier using among the finest components on the market, carefully tuned to come as close as possible to the unique organic qualities of the best SET tube amplifiers.

Sonically and performance wise, the Devialet excels in areas of control, transparency, resolution and a very low noise floor. The Absolare is generous, balanced and fluid with the most natural and gorgeous timbre imaginable, as well as being very powerful and dynamic.

Based on your post and your choice of DeVore, I can almost guarantee that you will adore the Absolare integrated. It's among the most impressive, natural and engaging amplifier you will find.

Hope that helps.

/ Marcus
If it's a very efficient speaker, edgy don't you try a low watt valve, a very good integrated is new audio frontier. Berlin HiFi has some good options, since you are in Germany

I know the NAF Amps. They are beautiful sounding, very much Live Like Sound with superb natural texture. The Berlin Hifi Guy has not the offical right to sell the gear with guarantee, because his unit's are not from the official german supplier. I can not recommend Hifistudio im Falkensee. Had several Problem's with them. A Chord Dac was not working right and he helped me not with the unit, because he also sold it apart from the german distributor way.

I'm looking for an additional Amp who could run the whole day and does not heat the room in the summer as much as the NAF Gear does. For the special Moments, when everything is relaxed, and I want the best possible sound, I can fire up the NAF unit's, but for looking TV or watching a sport game I don't like to put the NAF Amps on all the time.

I would throw in a Vinnie Rossi Lio with the new DHT preamp, which seems to be very special based on the first review.
You can customize it and even add a DAC to it in full Devialet fashion.
Completely outfitted you arrive at around 10.000$ for a DAC, DHT pre and amp that is supposed to sound exactly the way you want it and would pair well with the DeVore.

Lio test: http://www.6moons.com/audioreviews2/vinnierossi/1.html
DHT test: http://6moons.com/audioreviews2/vinnierossi2/1.html

(And the tube is only in the linestage, so no massive heat and electrical costs and due to power supply construction 100% silent with your efficient speakers.)
I know the NAF Amps. They are beautiful sounding, very much Live Like Sound with superb natural texture. The Berlin Hifi Guy has not the offical right to sell the gear with guarantee, because his unit's are not from the official german supplier. I can not recommend Hifistudio im Falkensee. Had several Problem's with them. A Chord Dac was not working right and he helped me not with the unit, because he also sold it apart from the german distributor way.

I'm looking for an additional Amp who could run the whole day and does not heat the room in the summer as much as the NAF Gear does. For the special Moments, when everything is relaxed, and I want the best possible sound, I can fire up the NAF unit's, but for looking TV or watching a sport game I don't like to put the NAF Amps on all the time.


Ok thanks did not know that
I know the NAF Amps. They are beautiful sounding, very much Live Like Sound with superb natural texture. The Berlin Hifi Guy has not the offical right to sell the gear with guarantee, because his unit's are not from the official german supplier. I can not recommend Hifistudio im Falkensee. Had several Problem's with them. A Chord Dac was not working right and he helped me not with the unit, because he also sold it apart from the german distributor way.

I'm looking for an additional Amp who could run the whole day and does not heat the room in the summer as much as the NAF Gear does. For the special Moments, when everything is relaxed, and I want the best possible sound, I can fire up the NAF unit's, but for looking TV or watching a sport game I don't like to put the NAF Amps on all the time.


Hi, a very nice amplifier for modest money is the First One from Slovenia. It is a diy mosfet design powered by Hypex SMPS and you can read about it here - http://www.diyaudio.com/forums/vendors-bazaar/248996-first-one-mosfet-amplifier-module.html

I have had owned the 1.3 version and its predecessor the VSSA, which were built for me by a friend of 'Lazy Cat' to a very professional standard. See photos below.


Hi, a very nice amplifier for modest money is the First One from Slovenia. It is a diy mosfet design powered by Hypex SMPS and you can read about it here - http://www.diyaudio.com/forums/vendors-bazaar/248996-first-one-mosfet-amplifier-module.html

I have had owned the 1.3 version and its predecessor the VSSA, which were built for me by a friend of 'Lazy Cat' to a very professional standard. See photos below.


Thank's for sharing this. But as an pure non Tube Amplifier The Firstwatt F7 is on my list, but hard to get in Germany. I think i had to import it directly from the USA. But anyway here we should discuss the Absolare I think, which looks like the perfect one Box Amplifier to me. Easy to use and hopefully very reliable with one of the best near tube sound one can get. And hopefully not sounding like a dead machine like most of the transistor Amp's. As I had a little expierience with Tube Rolling, it would be exciting to see what happens with different kind of NOS types in the Absolare pre-amplification.


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