Advice on an audio mixer


New Member
Feb 16, 2022
Hi everyone
I am looking for some advice on a small audio mixer.
Ok here’s my set up…

I have a Canon XA11 camcorder which I have purchased to film small dance/musical theatre shows.
I previously used a dlsr for this but have just upgraded.
so I filmed a show recently (the first one with this camera) I used an XLR line in from the sound desk and I encountered a lot of distortion when there was loud singing, the music side of it was fine.
so my thoughts are to buy a small audio mixer to go between the sound desk and the XLR inputs on my camera, to have a bit more control over my audio levels.
I don’t need anything too fancy just something simple that can do what I need it to do, which is to have an XLR input and output.

does anyone have any recommendations for something like this?
I don’t know a lot about audio mixers so I’m learning on the fly here.
You are recording a stereo feed from the 'sound desk' right? If so you don't need a mixer just a stereo volume control. Maybe a compressor as well.
At the most basic, and completely passive ( no power source needed ) this, or ones like it, will give you the ability to reduce incoming levels. In this case with repeatable steps. Have to use shorter cables tho ( read up on passive attenuators )

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