That Atoll amp... not good at all imho.
Thanks for your concise review! And, yes you are absolutely right, but maybe not as initially intended??
I just want to update where I'm at with this. It definitely sent me down a rabbit hole to figure this out, so I'll put this thread to rest for now with what I have discovered...
From the info I provided, it did seem like the obvious answer was a problem with the speakers. But also, there was still a question hanging over the amp. So, I took some time to start switching out components from my AV setup in the living room. While it's pretty basic, I did have a Marantz AV receiver I could sub in lieu of the Atoll. Interestingly the mids seemed clearer, but because this is a completely different sounding unit and everything sounded a little less defined. But also this is where I think I found my problem...
When I put my Atoll back in place and plugged it in, I noticed the socket into the amp was quite wiggly/loose. I Googled that and it suggested some "play" is normal, but this seemed excessive to me. Then, when I switched on the power button on the back of the unit I heard a faint buzzing sound from the amp itself (not the speakers) that disappeared in a couple of seconds. That concerned me. I switched if off and took a look at the chord going into the socket. It was also a bit loose. I pushed it in as firm as I could, switched it back on and while there was no buzzing immediately, it did again start after a few seconds. It seems that the weight of the power chord (Shunyata Venom, so a bit heavier than stock but nothing crazy), was tilting down and seeming to come loose. I found another power chord (probably the original stock chord) and sure enough it gripped tighter in the socket. I propped it up with a piece of foam so that it went straight in with no sag, and turned it on. Zero buzz. I went ahead and turned the amp onto full operation, played some music, and... clean!
I'm still not discounting some issues with my speakers, but for now the improvement has me enjoying this system again. I've called my dealer because I want to have the amp looked at to ensure the socket is performing as normal, and also to see if any of that 'buzzing' has damaged anything on the amps internals. It's going in after the holidays for inspection.
Sincerely, thank you. Everyone's input helped me get this far.