I have two systems I use. A 14.1 Auro 3D home theater and a 2 channel desktop system. I used to love listening to two channel stereo on both rigs. I liked listening to Tidal in the HT through a Sunfire TG3 I used exclusively for 2 channel. I use a Marantz 7702 for 14.1 music and movies.The more and more I used Auro 3D the less and less engaging 2 channel became. I moved my Sunfire TG3 to my desktop system since I was using it less and less in HT for 2 channel. Once you listen to music in 3D 2 channel just doesn't cut it. It would be like going back to videotape after using blue ray. It is not just "more speakers". Don't get 3D music lumped in with movie soundtracks. The Auro3D upmixer is great with movies but music is an altogether different experience. That upmixer blows away previous music upmixers I used because it excels at creating the illusion of live performers in 3D, only with sonics not visually. Now when I listen to two channel I am acutely aware of what it is missing, hence my ambivalence. The good news is I have 0 desire to upgrade speakers