Thanks for the suggestions. I have wondered if the Dart might not be able to power the Salon's sufficiently as mentioned above, but I have no specific concerns over the Burmester or Luxman, both are, as I understand it, high output designs, despite their lower RMS ratings. As I say I don't listen particularly loud anyway.
The Pass 250.8 is definitely on the list, the 350.8 is out of budget though.
The Hegel is not really on my radar, I don't know much about them so I'll check them out.
The D'Agostinos are out of budget sadly.
I have heard the Levinson 532 driving Salons, and I'll be honest I wasn't overly impressed. The 532H, though a cheaper and lower powered model, was notably superior when I listened side by side.
I'll look at the Krell, though I think they lost their mojo a bit when Dan left - they are known to be a bit analytical I think, not that thats a bad thing per se, I'm a fan of detail, but I'm also aiming for as natural sounding as possible.
I did used to own some older Jeff Rowlands (Model 6 if memory serves), and I didn't really get on well with them, maybe it was their age, but although they were very smooth, they were also very veilded so it kind of put me off the brand. Did you go though any other options before you settled on the 625?
On the Arc, I don't really want to have to bother with output tubes. I don't mind a single tube to two (as in hybrids such as the Aesthetix), but not a full tube amp at this point in time.