Well, the new year starts off with a bang. After nine months sans vinyl playback as my Straingauge system went back to Soundsmith for energizer appraisal, and my order for six replacement stylii...with head honcho Peter Lederman having to take time on my order...it all got back to me just before Christmas, and today I set things up.
Always a fearfully anxious process, because my low back and eyesight aren't what they once were, and I'm not the most natural at this process.
Additionally, things had changed a lot since my cartridge went back to NYC, from wholesale acoustics panels/bespoke corner bass traps, improved Brent Jessee preamp tubes, and vastly improved CDP performance with install of platinum Bocchino IEC to Sablon power cord.
Also, I've heard a couple of systems (Audiophile Bill and Montesquieu/Tom) with superb analog playback, and it's always moderately stressful to come back and compare your own tt.
Well, I needn't have worried too much. First of all, unlike a few years back when I set my tt up for the first time here after my move, and things were truly abysmal on the vinyl front, I've got way luckier this time. There's a *hint* of high frequencies constriction, but I'm confident this will open up after a few hours. Other than that, I've hit a home run. Plenty of air, vibrancy and bloom. Nice texture and timbral accuracy in the mids, and very little if any flabbiness in the bottom (unlike some of the people I saw today trying to exercise off their Christmas over eating and over drinking Lol).
There was a debate for me to go from SGS-5 stylus to the flagship -6 stylus, but the benefits in fidelity of SQ in my opinion countered by the need to be way more *just so* with setup, and apparent additional sensitivity of the stylus itself. I just don't need that stress in my life.
So, I've got a halfway house, the -5 stylus with boron cantilever, which gives me some of the benefits of -6 stylus fidelity, but a warmer, more robust sound...and more robust device.
A big call to Parker at Soundsmith who did a lot of the work. He's an absolute hero to me, a real trooper, to have negotiated such a tricky work period (Covid is a killer for anything needing a slow steady approach) and provide such a stellar product.
And listening to a couple of my favourite, brilliantly recorded LPs, Larry Coryell/Spaces, and T Lavitz/Storytime, right out of the box a great sound.
I've heard amazing analog w Bill's Red Sparrow and DaVa carts, and Tom's Murasakino Madake and Sumile carts, and despite them being quite different to the Straingauge, I'm very pleased I've made my long term choice to go with this, and in my humble opinion, Soundsmith remain a true icon in high end carts, Peter Lederman a true legend (with Parker by his side).