Ron, I had owned two setups prior, an all-Roksan rig based around the Xerxes X, and a Michell Orbe/SME V/Transfiguration Orpheus/Tom Evans Groove combo, the latter sounding pretty reasonable, highly musical and involving.
I had been looking at a signature TT purchase, considered strongly the TW AC-3, Brinkmann La Grange and SME 20, but at the same time as listening to these I also got to hear highly modded Garrard 301s and a 401, and the idler signature beckoned to me.
I struggled a little to sort a restored example, and was a little unsure what arm I'd use, and around this time I caught sight of the Trans Fi Salvation and Terminator setup, and was impressed that quite a few owners had traded up from Garrards, and even SP10s. There's even an ex-Airline LT owner amongst the Terminator testimonials!
What nailed the decision was the Terminator LT arm, the deck and arm designed synergistically around each other, and working well as a zen balance of speed and deftness of the arm to the heft and dynamics of the deck.
The demo clinched the deal, and the concept of rim drive and air LT as a totally unique partnership very much appealed.
Of course, audiofoolia being what it is, I wasn't content to sit back, and upgrading via two lots of motors incl current SOTA option, major plinth surgery to replace stock slate w Permali/aluminium plate, and a superior version of my arm w better tolerances, materials and tonearm wire, the whole lot on a Stacore Advanced platform, has been a fun and educational journey.
Re my business, after the ravages of Covid, I'm just keeping body and soul together running my two osteopathy clinics, so poor were prospects in Mar-Jun 2020, I'm just happy to be afloat...since you're asking lol.